Why is the linework in my VCL files going crazy in earthworks?

I was told my Sitech that errors can occur sometimes trying to export a VCL directly from a VCE project. From my master VCE I export my 2D+3D linework and cad points as a .dxf.
Sometimes I export my points as a .CSV (I prefer the dxf export so they all retain their layers) I export my surface as a .TTM.

I create a new “US survey feet” project, drag my project calibration in.(not sure if this step is helpful at all) Next step is importing my dxf and ttm. Some projects I also import my points through a .csv.

I then export as a .VCL. and drag into my scs900 data folder on thumb drive. I insert the thumb drive into my Trimble t7 data collector, drag into correct folder on t7 internal library.

I load project on data collector and use the export to machine tab on data collector to create the earthworks file for both a .dxf/ ttm file and .vcl.

This is the same process I have been doing for over a year. The last 2 .VCL designs I exported work just fine on in Trimble siteworks.

The issue is when loading into both my dozer and excavator that are running earthworks, and get an error that unsupported objects are in the design. I load the project and my finish grade contours have gone crazy. Some of the contours are just fine, others are both wrong vertically and horizontally, they loop outside the design boundary. The surface is still correct, it’s just the contours I used to make the surface that are floating in the air. The .dxf and ttm version of the same design is fine as well.

There is storm sewer in most projects and we have 3D excavators that need the ability to select surface or select 3D lines. This is why we really prefer using the .VCL format. For the record, the 3d line function also works fine in the problem design files.

I’m relatively new at this so even though I have work arounds, I am very curious what part of my process is flawed. I believe my dozer is running version 2.11.0 (build 2110001)

I also tried uploading a pic of the surface, showing it unaffected by the crazy linework and a pic where I was able to use vertical guidance/ 3D lines.

Run convert to linestrings. We’ve only recently had issues with VCL files exported directly out of TBC. We do the same process as you once it hits the DC it goes to export to machine. The issues we’re had lately won’t load the design at all and not the error you receive.

We export hundreds of models per year and we used to do exactly what you did but I’d suggest a different approach. I was skeptical of this at first until we started doing it.

When you’re ready with your design run offset surface at a 0 offset and add the date to the design name. Then make sure, as you should already, that all linework is linestrings. Delete splines if they remain. When we export to vcl we have linestrings, surface (ONLY 0’ offset surfaces), points and text. No blocks. Rarely have issues other than recently which I believe is a version issue with certain earthworks firmware versions. But you’re not likely to run into that issue. We export about 6-8 designs per week as VCLs and we’ve only had 3-4 issues so far with only two companies.

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This sounds like it should work for your work flow. I came up with similar workarounds myself with converting to linestrings, cleaning up the cad/project, and being vigilant with selection explorer that I wasn’t exporting any object that wasn’t wanted. Instead of offsetting the surface 0, I was exporting it as a .ttm and bringing it back into TBC to use the ttm as my design surface though.

I have since moved to using WorksManager to create my designs and have been impressed with the results and the steps that were eliminated by using WorksManager.

Would you mind explaining more about how exactly you’re using worksmanager for it?

Alan did a response to the Works Manager export to VCL back in a 2022. The Works Manager has a “Clean” option, meaning you can export a surface without the source data. If you are exporting a TTM / DXF and importing to a clean project, you are cleaning the surface (export to TTM) from any source data that makes up that surface.

There is a need for the same options in TBC on the VCL Export. We need a method to export to VCL, select the option surface only (clean data), plus add in some 3D lines for pipe and some clean simple site map.

Plus, any export to Siteworks/Earthworks, always convert to linestrings.

Regarding exporting points

You may have to enable it in the export format editor, but you can create a .CSV that retains point layers. I pull points into FieldLink like this and never have problems. Just have to tell it to use layers from the CSV when you import. Earthworks may not let you do that though, I’m not sure.

Jonathan, i have run into two issues with this.

  1. make sure all the blocks have been exploded or not part of the VCL.
  2. I was using some linestrings with VPI slope intercept option and they were rejected. So i used the New Smart Edit commmand with the linestring edit option, convert the VPI’s to 3D. this resolved the problem.
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Would you mind explaining more about how exactly you’re using worksmanager for it?

When using the WorksManager tab in TBC to create a design, Siteworks and Earthworks designs are automatically published to WorksManager as a VCL. There is also a design download option in WM that creates 1 zipped file that has the ProjectLibrary, Machine Control Data, and a folder with the Siteworks project/design in it. I also like that it is archived, version controlled, shareable and able to be remotely downloaded to field devices if those devices are licensed.