File Flipper for the PC has more options than File Flipper for the Web version. The File Flipper PC supports the following File Formats
SVD (Source of a Surface Model)
SVL (Source of Linework and Alignments)
DSZ (Source of a Surface Model or Linework or Alignment or any combination)
DXF (Source of Linework)
TTM (Source of Surface Model)
XML (Source of a Surface Model, Alignment and Linework)
VCL (Source of Surfaces, Alignments and Linework)
RXL (Source of a Surface and Alignment)
File Flipper also requests a Local Site Calibration or Coordinate System file and optional Geoid File if you select that the Design will be used with GPS controlled machines. The Site Calibration or Coordinate System is written as a CAL file and the Geoid if Selected is passed through as a GGF file to the correct Folder location.
File Flipper (bith versions) also handle the 3D Breakline Data from the “Source Data” section of a LandXML file and passes it through as Linework to the SVL file.
Note: the SVL files created are all 2D Linework with Elevation 0. These are suited to Blade Guidance laterally but are not 3D lines that you can use for 3D Guidance (e.g. for bottom of Trench line etc.)
File Flipper writes a .CAL file for the Machine Control Systems - this is fully supported in Trimble Earthworks and in GCS900 post version 12.7 (maybe 12.6). Older versions of GCS900 are not supported by File Flipper because they require a CFG file for the Site Calibration / Coordinate System.
Remember that the main use of File Flipper is to bring in 3rd Party Files or Files from either GCS900 or Earthworks and convert them for use in GCS900 or Earthworks