Utility Trench Template along Radius

Good morning everyone,

I’m looking for a solution for inserting utility trench templates and ensuring they follow a radius smoothly. I believe smoothing out the template every 2 feet would be effective.

Currently, my workaround involves inserting the trench template and then manually adding radius data to the tangent sections. However, this method is too time-consuming for the current project. Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated. :call_me_hand:

Thank you!

Below is an example of the issue.

One thing you’ll have to consider is “Can the trench be dug radially?”
Think about the size of machines doing the digging and the depth of the trench. Will it require shoring? Trench boxes are typically around 20’ long and 8’ tall with varying widths.

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Hi Saul,

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

We understand the logistics, as the project team is using 10’ & 12’ shoring boxes with 8’ sticks of 36" RCP. Given this, I would like to either constrain the dimension of A) 2’ to smooth out the template or B) maintain the box dimensions for the machine model.

My question is primarily about controlling the template within TBC, not the construction. Once I have a method of controlling the template, the skies are the limits. :smiley:

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I think I remember having this issue and solved it by going to project settings>computations>corridor>maximum sampling distance. Change that value to 2’ and see if it works.

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Hi Matthew,
You, sir, have fixed the issue for me.
So, the process you recommended started me down a path that worked.
The only step I added was to open the corridor surface properties, constrain the data to the original utility alignment, and make it “alignment-based.” After that, the data was clean and accurate.

I assumed the utility surfaces were alignment based by default, if they are not you should be able to go to settings>computations>surface>maximum sampling distance and change that to 2’, without needing the extra step of making the surface alignment based.

The only potential problem is that these settings will apply to all the surfaces in your project so just be aware of that. Glad it worked for you though.

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