Updated TMLs - Error 4-8-22

Received error message when trying to run Takeoff Line TML after updating today.


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Same here. All macros are broken including TML status.

I was getting this too and downloaded the version of the website and installed it. Started working again.

I did that also and it reverted to the previous macro version(s)

Please download the 5.1 Installation package from www.Rockpilesolutions.com again and install that after closing all instances of TBC. The installer was updated on Friday after the first version was posted - we think that it fixes the issues that people have had.

I have recreated the issue that you saw using TMLStatus to update the command library and I get the same issues as you on all RPS commands that I run.

I then installed the installation package and everything seems to run correctly again

I will get TMLStatus looked at again today

Apologies for the inconvenience caused


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