TBC command lag on new PC

I would like some help if you would. I just got a new PC and the thing is a beast to say the least. I went ultra high end on Intel processor, motherboards, drives and GPU. I use a lot of point clouds and aerial images and that it works great once the images or clouds load I can navigate with no lag or buffering. However, I noticed that when running simple commands like create linestring or join there is and catch or lag in the screen which really mess with your mouse flow. Even clicking on a surface of IFC to create the linestrings creates at least a 1sec lag for each click and about 3sec lag when you open the line string command and hit the enter to start the command. Now I run a Alienware 38in wide screen with G-Sync and 144 refresh rate and another samsung 32in 1080 display. It would seem the lag in the commands are worse on the nicer alienware then the samsung. This is highly disappointing as you can imagine but I am hoping there is a setting that can solve this. There are so many setting in the NVIDA settings and I am wondering if I got something in there that needs turned off or on. Oh, and yes I keep my drivers up to date just so you know. So any ideas would be helpful at this point.

P.S. I am running 5.81

Thanks, Ben

Are you noticing the lag with the Rockpile commands only, or with TBC commands as well? If you open task manager or resource monitor while running problematic commands, do you see any significant spikes in RAM, CPU, or GPU? Are your graphics cables new?

I find the lag comes from all sorts of places. Having Outlook open, Windows Update, Cloud sources syncing, working through a server, working out of the C drive, etc

I see the worst lag on projects w/ vector sheets. when the sheets are displayed, the available snaps create the lag and affect all the tools. Any chance you have imported vectors pdf’s?
CAD Objects cause grief, giant contour maps as well. Using project clean-up, converting poly-lines to line-strings, and deleting un-needed data goes a long way to thinning out the project and making it more re-active.

Also, I would ensure you are using your GPU(non-integrated)when running TBC. You can find this in your display settings. Also your power profile should be at a high power/performance setting

edit a few minutes after i posted this. My linestring went bold and had to open a new plan view widow*******This is something that has had me thinking lately. I haven’t try and maybe others have. I wonder if the docking station when using multiple monitors has an effect on the graphic? I have done these changes so i dont have my linestring get bold due to a graphic issue. the lag maybe from a network licenses? possibly . I know i have that issue more of the internet connecting to the share drive at our main office.

I have made those gdisplay raphic setting changes in my Graphic Setting internal setting in the laptop*see image below. there also the graphic setting in the TBC setting also. * image below

Francisco brings up a great point - it could be hardware or how the hardware is functioning relative to options or customization. One of my lackeys’ had his computer crawling, wouldn’t hardly open TBC. Every command was a three minute wait. We looked at all sorts of stuff. Upgraded his hard-drive, added memory, changed out his docking station, removed programs. Tried all the stuff to no avail. What ended up being the problem - He had a slide-show set up on his desk-top background and had all of the pictures on the server. So while he is trying to do work, the computer is using up resources prepping the next picture in his slide-show. We moved his pictures from the server to local and he was back to driving real, real fast.

My system is a desktop so I don’t have another integrated card. But I sese that you choosing to over ride your graphic display in your advance settings. Is that just for laptops or is that something we should be doing for desktops as well? The weird thing is that on my secondary monitor which is 32in samsung I don’t have the lag in the command start up! Which leads me to believe that it is a setting somewhere in this Alienware monitor. But its supposed to be way better quality than my old samsung.

I am not good at being IT. Something I tried to see if it help my monitors was changing the “refresh rate” it actually made it lag. This could be something to check and see if the “refresh rate” is on the highest rating
