Wondering if anyone has noticed that Version 2024.10 seems to lag in response to mouse movements periodically throughout working with it. I first thought it was my computer but have switched to a new on with same issues. The other user here has noticed the same issues but unfortunately we have projects we started in 2024.1 so can not roll back without starting projects over.
Are you talking about where it freezes for a bit, then it will start to move again and freezes again and keeps doing it?
Exactly what I’m seeing
I do have it happen to me randomly when i first open a project, no rhyme or reason. I found out if you keep clicking the top menu tabs, HOME/measure/cad/data prep or whatever you have it will go away.
I’m actually surprised no one else has posted about this issue but I’ve been seeing it since i installed 2024.1
I will have to try that, I have went through Windows 11 graphics card settings, changed Nvidia settings to no avail. I agree that its just since I installed 2024.1 and it seems to be when you open new project or if the program sits idle for several minutes.
Thanks for you input.
Yes I have seen the same, you can open TBC projects from .10 in older versions by holding ctrl+shift and dragging in the VCE.
Have you tried turning off automatic detection and manually setting your graphics display driver to OpenGL2? I had a similar issue many TBC versions ago. Ever since I changed to OpenGL2, I have never experienced any lag like what you’re describing. I’m running 2024.10 w/ the patch installed and set to OpenGL2 and there’s no lag.
Switched to open GL2 on old machine and new one and that seems to have fixed my issues.
Thank you for the input and advice and I appreciate everything.
I have not had any issues with 2014.1 on two different computers.
Of course I don’t use it a lot.
This is something that we’ve noticed as well on our end. Usually when this happens, it’s due to not being logged in. Even if it shows you being logged in, at times you are not. The easiest way that we’ve found is to open a blank project, and on the home page, make sure you log out and log back in. At this point, go to your license manager and ensure that you have an active TBC license. This usually takes care of the lag issue.
In regards to using an older version of TBC for your project.
When you have no project open:
Find the VCE file for the project that you want to open
Hold the CTRL and SHIFT key down and hold them down while you drag and drop the VCE file into TBC. Drop the file on the Tab that says Start Page in the Top Left corner of the graphics area.
When you have a project open:
Save the project because the process below will close the current project and open the one that you are downgrading
Find the VCE file for the project that you want to open
Hold the CTRL and SHIFT key down and hold them down while you drag and drop the VCE file into TBC. Drop the file on the Tab that says Plan View in the Top Left corner of the graphics area.
Hope that this helps
i have run into this quite a bit. if nothing else has worked, i found on mine that support/check for updates (dont actually update, or really do anything other than let it check,then close), for whatever reason, knocks everything back into place
Since the 2024.0 update it’s only occured under the conditions Mr. Bayliff has mentioned above.
We reported this to Trimble before they released and again a few times during Dimensions. They said that they had no seen the issue but would liok into it. Then they released a week later and the release version exhibited exactly the same issue. Having said that they installed on a lot of lab PCs that are 100% clean boxes that are rented for the event and they all seemed to work OK I would agree, however none of us workmon recently reformatted and cleaned computers - all.our boxes are configured dufferently because of what we have installed on them. This is what makes software so infuriating to work with at times - some times it works flawlessly others it burps a lot etc.
Hard to diagnose at times - but it seems Opengl2 answers this issue most frequently