Anyone have issues with TBC crashing? I’m using PDF Manager to import 57 sheets (91 MB) and the program crashes after every imported sheet.
This issue is created by 2924.10 changing something on us - our command is nit itself crashing TBC but it is triggering an issue that causes TBC to crash. We finally got help from Trimble tonresomve the issue last week and I now have a test version that has fixed the issue - we are wrapping up a couple of changes to the command and I hope to release an update in the next 2 days.
Thank you for the information. The PDF Manager tool is a great feature. I’ll keep a lookout for the bug fix.
Hey Alan,
Below is a screen shot of the crash that occurs when using pdf manager. This happens every other sheet. Plans are closed in bluebeam.
Good Morning Alan,
Any update on this? I am also having the same issue with PDF Manager crashing during sheet imports.
I am trying to get a fix release out for PDF Manager today Adam