Smart Select Command - Overview

Smart Select Command

The Smart Select command is a part of the Smart Suite concept and underpins the main commands by providing smart ways to select and relayer or delete selected objects. The Smart Suite concept provides key commands that fulfill major process steps for Takeoff and 3D Modeling processes.

Step 1 - PDF Management (PDF Manager Command)
Step 2 - Cleanup and Edit (Smart Edit Command)
Step 3 - Digitize / Draw / Create (Takeoff Lines Command)
Step 4 - Elevate (Adjust Linestring Elevation = Smart Elevate Command)
Step 5 - Model (TBC and RPS Commands)
Step 6 - Takeoff (TBC and RPS Commands)
Step 7 - Reports and Drawing Deliverables (TBC and RPS Commands)
Step 8 - Data Export and Data Management for Field Operations (TBC Commands)

Command Overview

The Smart Select command provides fast and easy ways to sweep through data (2 point line or multipoint line) to select the data it crosses or falls inside the line (including a polygon width) and relayer or delete (CAD data), or create point cloud regions (point cloud data) from the selected objects.

Smart Select works with Points, Lines, Point Clouds and other TBC objects and allows

The Smart Select command facilitates multiple ways to

  • Select and Relayer objects
  • Select and Delete objects
  • Select point cloud data along existing / design lines and create / add to point cloud regions e.g. along cross section lines or along feature / design lines.

Smart select delivers “polygon selection” methods through 2 point or multipoint line definition and eliminates the need to know the clockwise / anticlockwise rules or to digitize the polygon out and back along the same path. Smart select also eliminates the need to zoom extents before closing the polygon in order to select all the data inside the polygon.