Smart Elevate Command - Home - Click Here
The Spot mode dialog looks as follows
Use elevation formula
Often on plans the elevation values will be truncated to minimize the space required for the text on the drawings i.e. if the elevation is 4035.47 they may display it as 35.47 to save that space. Additionally, keying in 4035.47 type values for all of the elevation points in a project is a lot of data entry, if all the elevation values are in the 4000 range you can use an Elevation Formula to minimize the data entry i.e. you can enter a formula of {Z}+4000 and whatever value you type in will have 4000 added to it before applying it to the linestring being edited.
Check the checkbox and enter the elevation formula you require. You can use the usual +, -, / and * as math operators. The Z value that you enter or click is always presented as {Z} in the formula. Do not use spaces in the formula.
Auto apply on elevation change checkbox
Check this checkbox to auto apply the elevation values on pressing Enter after typing in a value or on click of a 3D object or text item displaying the elevation value. Note that if you click on an elevation point of 4035.46 and you have an elevation formula of {Z}+4000 you will double up the 4000 and make 8035.46.
If the elevation that you enter or click is different from the previously entered value (at the last location) when this checkbox is checked, the elevation will be automatically applied on accepting the entry with Enter or clicking the elevation text etc. When not checked, you will press Enter to accept each value selected or entered. If there are two successive points with the same elevation value, you will need to press enter to accept the second value manually.
Point type
Select the elevation node type that you want to create - choose from VPI (Vertical Tab of linestring editor) or 3D point (Horizontal tab of the linestring editor). Note that 3D nodes insert a line node as well as an elevation whereas VPIs only add an elevation at the selected location.
Select the line that you want to elevate
You can switch the line direction arrows On and Off using the show direction button at the end of the linestring selector field.
Set the Auto advance button at the end of the line selector field to enabled (orange tinge), that way each elevation entered will be for the same line until you change lines on completion of the line.
Select the point along the line that you wish to elevate
Note that your Snap modes are going to be important in this process. Typically you will need End Point, Near Point and Intersection Point snaps running to create elevations at the correct locations along the line. Click Snap in the toggle buttons at the base of the graphics screen area of TBC to access the point snap modes.
Type in the elevation of the node or click on a piece of text that contains the elevation value or a 3D object from which the elevation can be determined (point, line etc.)
You can also use the right click options to extract elevations from other lines or locations e.g. Along Line snap etc…