Smart Edit Command

D_SmartEdit_600ppi    Smart Edit Command

Command licensing and default menu location

  • The Smart Edit command is part of the RPS Data Prep Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Data Prep menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Create / Edit menu group

Training video

Training videos for each key function of the Smart Edit command can be found in the appropriate documentation section (see links below). The following video provides a quick overview of the command and the workflows that it supports.

Command description

The Smart Edit command provides the ability to break, trim, extend, join, fillet and chamfer lines in a variety of ways, in 2D or 3D, and within a single integrated command, increasing both versatility and productivity of these processes.

Key functions

  • While breaking lines, you can now edit one or multiple lines at the same time, utilize a reference line for stationing of break locations and apply a clip width around break locations as they are applied. You can also break lines at a crossing line, a crossing defined by 2 points, at intervals along a line or a reference line, at an offset to a line, at a surface crossing and more.

  • While trimming / extending lines, you can now also trim to intersection and join the lines at the same time, trim single or multiple lines to bounding lines and where appropriate trim both ends to a common boundary line in a single step.

  • While joining lines, you can now also elevate and relayer the lines at the same time. Elevating lines offers a number of methods including Contour, Pad, 2D, Variable Elevation etc. providing dedicated work flows to convert imported PDF Vectors or CAD Linework into 3D lines on the correct layer.

  • With the new 3D Edit functions added in the April 2024 release you can also Trim / Extend lines to a surface, Trim / Extend lines by a distance (horizontal, vertical or slope distance), Break lines at a surface, Trim/Extend and Join lines in 3D with user selectable elevations at the intersection point and more.

  • New hot key configurations allow you to navigate the command dialog without having to move focus away from the graphics area.

Command interface description

The Smart Edit command dialog looks as follows

Edit Modes

There are currently 4 primary edit modes supported by the Smart Edit command

  • Break
  • Trim / Extend
  • Join
  • Fillet / Chamfer

Select the mode that you want to use.

You can toggle between Break, Trim/Extend, Join and Fillet/Chamfer modes using the following hotkeys

  • B = Break
  • T = Trim/Extend
  • J = Join
  • F = Fillet / Chamfer

Enable 3D edit checkbox

Check the checkbox if you want to enable 3D editing. Note that enabling 3D edit can make some mass computations slower than they would be if the 3D edit mode is not enabled. If you are working with 2D data (undefined elevation) or 0 constant elevation lines (including close to 0 elevation) then enabling 3D edit will make little difference in computation times. 3D editing on lines with variable elevations will take the longest times to compute when large numbers of lines are selected.

3D edit rule:

Select the ruleset that you wish to apply to 3D edits that you are making. The rule sets are defined using RPS Settings - 3D Edit Settings. You can access the RPS Settings command from the header bar icons.

The 3D Ruleset editor is described in the RPS Settings - 3D Edit Settings documentation - Click Here to access the documentation.


The options displayed provide different methods of either Breaking, Trimming / Extending, Joining, Filleting or Chamfering lines depending on the Edit Mode selected above. Once the Option is selected, there may also be e.g. Break, Trim / Extend or Join modes within that option - see below.

You can change options using the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.

You can change modes using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard.

Break options

When Edit Mode is set to Break, the following Options are available

  • Break - Simple
  • Break - Two point crossing
  • Break - Intersect line
  • Break - Intervals
  • Break - At offset
  • Break - At surface

Break modes

When Break - Simple is selected, the following Break Modes are available

  • Break - Single - Once
  • Break - Single - Often
  • Break - Multiple - Once
  • Break - Multiple - Often
  • Remove segment(s) between two points

Trim / Extend options

When Edit Mode is set to Trim/Extend, the following Options are available

  • Trim/Extend - Simple
  • Trim/Extend - Multiple
  • Trim/Extend - Intersect line
  • Trim/Extend - Distance
  • Trim/Extend - To surface

Trim/Extend modes

When Trim/Extend - Simple, Trim/Extend - Multiple or Trim/Extend - Distance are selected, the following Trim/Extend Modes are available

Trim/Extend - simple edit modes

  • Shortest end trim/extend
  • Longest end trim/extend
  • Both ends trim/extend
  • Selected end trim/extend
  • Forced trim
  • Forced extend

Trim/Extend - multiple edit modes

  • Shortest end trim/extend
  • Longest end trim/extend
  • Both ends trim/extend
  • Forced trim
  • Forced extend

Trim/Extend - distance edit modes

  • Trim
  • Extend

Both ends checkbox:

Check this to trim or extend both ends of the selected line by the nominated distance.

When trimming or extending a line by a distance, the slope of the line has an influence on the trim or extend amount. You can select that the entered trim / extend distance is a

  • Horizontal distance - extends the line by a slope distance in the plane of the first or last segment of the line, computed using the slope angle and the horizontal distance entered.
  • Vertical distance - extends the line by a slope distance in the plane of the first or last segment of the line, computed using the slope angle and the vertical distance entered.
  • Slope distance - extends the line in the plane of the slope of the first or last segment of the selected line by the slope distance entered.

Join options

When Edit Mode is set to Join, the following Options are available

  • Join - Simple
  • Join - Keep First
  • Join - Keep Second
  • Join - Mean
  • Join - Keep Shortest
  • Join - At Intersect
  • Join - Overlap

Join modes

In all of the above Options, the following Join Modes are available

  • Manual
  • Single
  • Multiple

Note that Multiple is not really applicable in the Join - Overlap mode

Fillet / Chamfer options

When Edit mode is set to Fillet / Chamfer the following Options are available

  • Fillet
  • Chamfer

Trim object checkbox:

In both modes you can elect to Trim the source object to the ends of the fillet or chamfer

Apply whole line checkbox

In both modes you can elect to apply the same fillet or chamfer to all angle points of the selected line or just the angle point between two segments of the line.

Command Details

The following links provide access to the full documentation for each mode of Smart Edit

Break Mode
Join Mode
Trim / Extend Mode
Fillet / Chamfer Mode

Header commands:

The following commands enabled in the header of the RPS Smart Edit command.

  • Help
  • RPS Settings
  • Takeoff Lines
  • Adjust Linestring Elevation
  • Convert to Linestring
  • Quick Line
  • Multi - Offset Line
  • Insert Line Segment
  • Delete Segment
  • Clip Lines
  • Offset Line
  • Reverse Line
  • Profile Viewer

Hot Keys

The following keyboard shortcuts are available for use while using this command

Edit mode hot keys

  • B = Break Mode selection
  • J = Join Mode selection
  • T = Trim/Extend Mode selection
  • F = Fillet/Chamfer Mode selection
  • Up and Down Arrows = Change the Options control
  • Left and Right Arrows = Change the Sub Mode control

New process loop hot key

  • N = Start a new loop process (return to start of execution sequence)

General hot keys

  • Enter = Apply in most scenarios, note that Enter will not work in multi station data entry controls
  • Tab / Shift Tab = Move between fields in the dialog
  • F1 = Help
  • WASD = Pan Screen Up, Left, Down, Right
  • Q and E = Rotate screen clockwise / anticlockwise by 15 degrees
  • Shift Q and Shift E = Rotate screen clockwise / anticlockwise by 30 degrees
  • Ctrl Alt Q or Ctrl Alt E = Reset Screen Rotation to North up

Elevate - contour mode - hot keys

  • Z = Decrease by 1x Delta
  • C = Increase by 1x Delta
  • Shift Z = Change to Decrease and reduce current Z by 2x Delta
  • Shift C = Change to Increase and increase current Z by 2x Delta
  • Shift X = Pop up dialog to define a new elevation and optionally change increase / decrease direction

Menu pop up hot key

  • Shift M = Pop up Menu to access common line editing and review functions


Starts a new loop process i.e. it returns you to the first step of the command execution loop process


Apply is used primarily for the Multiple Method of working. When you tap apply, the multiple line segments selected will be joined together and the command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process. The Enter key also works as Apply.


Closes the command without further execution.

Use case videos

The following videos show the use of the Smart Edit command in a work process context

Feedback and enhancement requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Smart Edit command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please click Reply below.

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