Smart Copy Command
Command Licensing and Default Menu Location
- The Smart Copy command is part of the RPS Data Prep Toolbox
- The command is located on the Data Prep macros menu ribbon
- The command is located in the Create / Edit menu group
Command Description
Creates 2D or 3D copies of selected objects
Command Interface Description
The Smart Copy command dialog looks as follows
Create multiple copies checkbox:
Check this checkbox if you want to create multiple copies of the selected objects. If you only want a single copy of the selected objects and then make a different selection for the next copy uncheck this checkbox.
Relayer copied objects:
When this checkbox is disabled, the copy objects will be placed on the same layer as the source objects. When this checkbox is enabled, the copy objects will be placed on the layer that you select in the Layer selector.
Select the layer on which you want to place the copy objects when the Relayer copied objects checkbox is enabled. You can create New Layers, New Layer Groups and all associated properties using the New Layer controls. You can filter the layer list presented using the layer filter controls.
Adjust elevation checkbox:
Check this checkbox if you want to change the elevations of the selected objects when placing them at the “to” locations. When selected you will have several options available to you for the final elevations of the copied objects - they are listed below in the Mode section.
From Pick Location :
This will use the elevation of the "from " location. If you have three objects - one at 99, one at 100 and one at 101 and you copy from the elevation 100 and place at another location with elevation 200, the elevations of the copy objects will be at 199,200 and 201.
In this mode you can also apply a delta elevation. For example if you enter a delta elevation of 2.0’ then the elevations of the copy will be 2’ higher than the selected “to” location.
In the Relative mode, the difference in elevation between the “From” point and the “To” point is computed and all source object elevations are modified by that amount. So if the “From” elevation is 100 and the “To” elevation is 200 there is a difference in elevation of 100. If the source objects have elevations of 2D, 99, 100 and 101 they will now have elevations of 100, 199, 200 and 201. Note that 2D objects are elevated by this method, however if you have mixed 2D and 3D objects that the end result for the 2D objects may not meet your requirements. If you are starting with just 2D objects the results will likely meet your requirements.
In this mode you can also input an additional Delta Elevation that is applied to the calculated elevation changes i.e. if you enter a 2.0’ delta then in the above scenario, the objects will end up at elevations of 102, 201, 202 and 203.
When you select this mode, you can enter the elevation at which you want to place all the copy objects (2D or 3D source objects). If you have three source objects at elevations 99, 100 and 101 and you enter an Absolute Elevation of 200 and a From Elevation of 100 (not really relevant) then your copy objects will be at elevations 200.
When you select this mode, you can enter a delta elevation value e.g. 2.0’. If you have three source objects at elevations 99, 100 and 101 and you enter a Delta Elevation of 2.0’ and select a From Elevation of 100 then your copy objects will be at elevations 101,102 and 103. 2D objects are left as 2D objects because they don’t have a starting elevation to which a delta can be applied.
The copy objects will be set to undefined elevation (i.e. ?).
Enable dragging checkbox:
Check this checkbox if you wish to see the copy objects move as you select the “to” location. Note that when you have just a few objects selected for the copy, dragging is an effective way to see how they will look in the new location prior to committing the final placement of the copy. If you are copying a large number of objects, dragging can slow the graphics down significantly. If you see that slow down, disable this checkbox and simply pick the “to” location to commit the final placement of the copies.
Update dependent objects when dragging checkbox:
If you are selecting objects that have dependencies e.g. if you select a piece of text that has a dependent leader line, then the dependent objects will also be updated as you drag the selected objects when you check this checkbox.
Objects to copy:
Select the objects that you wish to copy. You can use all of the usual selection methods. Click Options to access the more advanced selection methods like Select by layer, Select by elevation, Advanced select etc.
Copy from:
Pick the “from” location that will be used in the copy process. Normally you will select a point on one of the selected objects or a point at an appropriate offset that allows you to place the copies precisely as you need them.
Copy to:
Pick the “to” location at which you want to place the selected object copies. You can use snaps, click in free space, type in a coordinate or relative coordinate (@5,@5) or use the COGO Snaps on the right click menu (e.g. Bearing and distance etc.)
When you tap apply, the selected objects will be copied to the “to” location and the command will ready itself for another placement location and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second copy and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process. Typically Apply will only be used when you are hand entering the “to” location coordinate.
Executes the command and closes on completion
Closes the command without further execution.
Video Demonstration
The following video shows how to utilize the Smart Copy command
Use Case Videos
The following videos show the use of the Smart Copy command in a work process context
Feedback and Enhancement Requests
If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Smart Copy command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here