RPS Extend Lines Command

D_ExtendLines_600ppi   RPS Extend Lines

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The RPS Extend Lines command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Corridors menu group

Command Description

Creates lead in and lead out line extensions on selected linestrings for stringless paver guidance. Elevation control is provided using extended slope of line first and last segments (curb and gutter) or from a selected target surface (man line pavers)

Pre process view

Post process view

Command Training Video

The following video shows how to utilize the RPS Extend Lines command

Command Shortcut

If you are utilizing the RPS Custom Menu Ribbon: CTRL+8 will open the command.

Command Interface Description

The RPS Extend Lines command dialog looks as follows

Select the lines that you wish to extend. You can use Options if you wish to use one of the advanced selection options like Select by Layer, Select by Polygon, Advanced Select etc.

Horizontal settings:
Use these settings to control the extension length of the lines and also how to handle line extensions that cross over themselves or the source line

Extension length:
Enter the extension length required for the extension lines. Common lengths would be 15’ for a curb and gutter machine or 35’ for a main line paver. This is the length of the extension line to be created at either end of the selected source lines.

Trim back crossing checkbox:
In some cases, when you add an extension line to the start and end of a source line, you may find that the line crosses over itself. If this happens, the line needs to be trimmed back so that it does not cross over itself. This checkbox allows the command to check for this on each line created and will stop the crossings from happening. The amount that you trim back (leaving a gap between the end of the line and the crossing location) can be defined here - typically this would be 2’.

Pre crossing condition

Post process condition - after a trim back of 2’

Post process condition excluding trim backs - illegal for a paver

Minimum length to extend checkbox
When selecting lines for extending, it is possible to select some really short lines that you will likely not use the paver to create. This setting when selected allows the program to ignore lines that are shorter than the defined length. A typical value here would be 20’ or 5m.

Note: Closed lines are also ignored in the selection process.

Close line loops checkbox:
Not yet implemented
For parking islands that have a loop, but that have ends that do not meet but point directly at each other along the same orientation you can select to close the loop - which will add an element between the line ends that is elevated to match the current line thereby forming a closed loop for the paver, or you can elect to not close the loop and also not extend the lines for the paver.

Vertical Extension:
The command adds an extension line of a defined length to the start and end of selected lines. The lines selected could be lines that represent curb and gutter or a drainage pan for a curb and gutter machine (Power Curber, Gomaco, Wirtgen etc.) to pave, or center line or edge of pave lines for a main line concrete paving machine (Gomaco, Wirtgen etc.). The extension line elevation control is managed here. In all cases the extension line will have the same elevation as the ends of the source line, however the grade of the extension can be controlled using one of the following options.

Maintain Grade:
Select this option if you wish the slope of the extension lines to match the slope of the first and last segments of the selected source lines. This is typical for curb and gutter machine operations.

Select this option if you wish the extension lines to be horizontal at the elevations of the start and end of the selected source lines. This is less common.

From Surface:
Not yet implemented
Select this option if you wish the extension lines to follow the elevation of a selected surface model so that the paver can match existing grade of the surface. In this case, the extension line will be elevated at the start of the extension, at the end of the extension and at any node where the extension crosses a surface triangle side. This is common for main line pavers.

Command Tips

Source lines should be curvilinear for the best results. Run the Optimize Linestring command to optimize all lines both horizontally and vertically prior to extending them using this command.

Source lines should not have any sharp angle breaks in the horizontal geometry. Paving machines cannot pave around sharp corners. Use the break command or Explode lines command to break all source lines at sharp corners prior to running this command.

Once you have extended all of the lines, you can export them using the Export XML command in the Tool Shed menu (for Leica stringless paver operations). This will create alignment geometry in the XML file from the optimized linestrings created by this process.

Header Commands

In the header bar of the command you will find command icons that link you to other commands that you may need access to while using this command. In this command the following commands are linked

  • Help - this document access
  • RPS Settings
  • Takeoff Lines
  • Smart Edit
  • Adjust Linestring Elevation
  • CAD Cleanup
  • Optimize Linestring
  • Profile Viewer
  • Explode Lines
  • Affix Name
  • Export XML

When you tap apply, the line extensions will be created on the source lines and the command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process.

Executes the command and closes on completion

Closes the command without further execution.

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the RPS Extend Lines command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the RPS Extend Lines command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please click Reply below.

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