RPS Explode Solid Command

We have a bunch of 3D Face objects that we need to explode into their component lines/linestrings. However, when exploded we end up with triangles that are only partial of the area needed as shown in the clips.
Please let me know if I’m doing something incorrect or missing the intent of the command. Thanks

I have notice with my 3d shells and other 3d object that I have to click on the UP and DOWN. at times the DOWN will be the UP. odd but I get what I need. I would just try all of 3 option and then explode lines.

The TBC DWG inporter does not do a stellar job with solids. The best work process is to get a Connect account and then load the DWG in Comnect and then select the file and export ot to a TRB (TrimBim) format. Import the TRB file into TBC and then I think you will get a better result when you Explode Solids using our tool.

The Up / Down / Vertical of our command is based on the direction of the positive normal to the faces in the solid objects. The faces should all be written in the same clockwise direction and that defines the direction of positive normal. In most cases with the faces they should be drawnin the same way therefore the top faces should be up and the bottom faces should be down, however we have found that both Bentley and AutoCAD seem to sometimes work and other times they seem to get mixed up and draw faces anticlockwise on Too or bottom and sometimes they mix them up - and that causes the up down issues in TBC. There is no other property on the faces that tells us whether a face is on top or underneath so we are limited to what we can do - to a large extent it works well.



As always, thanks Alan