The CIS system leverages the TCC controls to manage system access levels and permission controls.
The system has two types of access
A member is a user. A user has a User profile. A user can access the CIS Earthworks system from TBC via the back end services or via the CIS Earthworks application in their browser. Each member is assigned permission levels that controls what they have access to inside TCC and the CIS Earthworks system. -
A device is a machine control box or a surveying controller. A device can be authorized to access the TCC system to send and receive data to and from the device and the TCC system. A machine control box e.g. a CB450 controller for GCS900 can receive design data over the wireless network in the mine and can send production data back to the TCC system in the form of TAG files, that will be consumed by the CIS production server to generate results within the Work Orders that are set up in the CIS system to manage tasks being executed.
Members and Devices can be added to Groups within the system, and through a Group they can be granted permissions that have been assigned to the Group. By managing permissions through Groups, you can minimize the amount of admin work required to manage an organization.
Members, Devices and Groups can be managed from the Assign Project Roles and Permissions function accessed from the button in the top right corner of the application. They can also be accessed from the Launcher menu - also accessed from the same menu.
The master group for the CIS Earthworks system for the Grootegeluk Mine is called Grootegeluk Mine-Project Managers. All users defined in this group will have the same level of access to the CIS Earthworks system.
You can add Users, Groups or Devices to this group from the controls on the right side of the window. Simply select the Users, Groups or Devices tab, and then select the users, groups or devices available in the lists presented by checking the checkbox besides the names required. Remember to click Save at the base of the screen to save your changes.
To remove a user, group or device from the list of names in the group, click the trash can icon by the name to delete and they will be removed from the list.
To change the permissions level for users or devices in the list, click the permissions button in the top right corner of the window. The permissions window will then open as shown below
A user or device can be assigned the following levels of permission
- Owner
- Editor
- Viewer
We recommend that the system has a single administrator as a minimum, and if required additional administrators can be added. Admin users can do anything that the system can do including adding and removing members, changing permissions, creating filespaces etc.
An Owner can do anything functional within the system, however they cannot do admin tasks like adding and removing members and devices. creating groups, changing access level permissions or creating filespaces etc.
An Editor can see data in the system and where appropriate can edit and modify information e.g. Work Order parameters etc.
A Viewer can see data in the system but they cannot edit or change anything
Launcher Menu
To add users, devices and groups to the CIS Earthworks System or to create and manage filespaces etc. you will muse the Launcher menu. The launcher menu can be accessed from the menu.
Select Launcher and you will be presented with the following selection control
To create, delete or manage a filespace select the Filespaces option from the Launcher menu.
A Filespace on the CIS Earthworks System is like a drive on your personal computer. A filespace can house folders, subfolders and files in a central storage location. Filespaces can be accessed by users (all filespaces) or by devices (specific filespaces created for managing data to and from the machine systems.
##Trimble Synchronizer Data filespace
The Trimble Synchronizer Data filespace (TSD) is a special filespace used for sharing data between the machines on site and the TCC / CIS system. The TSD filespace can have optional folders that are treated as Work Groups (groups of machines e.g. Drills, Graders, Dozers etc.) to separate different types of equipment. In the root folder or in a Work Group folder (if used) you will find a single folder for each machine. In each machine folder you will find the data files for that specific machine.
When a machine connects to the TCC / CIS system over the mines wireless network, it will connect with the TSD filespace and synchronize its data to and from the CIS system. Any new data found on the TCC / CIS system for the machine will be downloaded to the machine. Any new information that has been generated by the machine since its last connection will be synchronized to the TCC / CIS system. In this manner Design data is sent to the machine and TAG file production data is sent to CIS Earthworks.
When TAG files from machines arrive on the TCC / CIS system, they are identified by the CIS Production server and aggregated into the production model.
By default the TSD filespace provides permissions to all devices set up on the system so that they can connect and use the filespace. Typically this is the only filespace used by the machine systems.
In the Filespace manager, you can add a filespace if you have appropriate permissions. Click the Add filespace button to create a new filespace.
Once a filespace has been created, you can set the permissions for the filespace to control who can see the filespace, and who can add / remove / edit information stored in the filespace Click the permissions button to set the permissions on the filespace.
Once a filespace has been created, unless it is a protected filespace (TSD and Business Data Center filespaces) you can edit the properties of the filespace by clicking the button. Properties include the Title, Internal Name, Filespace Description and the setting that controls the number of days that will be used to retain deleted files before a deleted file will be permanently removed. Deleted files can be recovered and restored for that period of time.
If you double click any filespace in the list, the filespace explorer will open.
In the explorer, much like windows file explorer, you can browse the different filespaces available to you and then browse the folders and subfolders in those filespaces to access the files. Files can be uploaded and downloaded, deleted, renamed, copied and moved. All files have properties. All files have the ability to be version controlled. If you upload a second copy of the same file, the current version is stored as a version and the new file is seen as the current version. You can access all versions of the file at any time.
The filespace explorer also supports drag and drop functionality to move files around within the folders of a filespace.
To add or remove users or devices from groups or to create or delete a group select the Groups option from the Launcher menu.
To create a new user or delete a user select the Users option from the Launcher menu.
To add a new user click Add User
To review a users profile click the button or click on the users name in the list.
To edit the user profile of a user click the edit button
To send a reset password email click the button
To delete a user click the button
To create a new device or delete or disable a device select the Devices option from the Launcher menu.
To add a device click the add device button
To review a device click the button
To edit a device click the button
To delete a device from the list click the button
For a device to be able to connect and sync with the CIS Earthworks system, it has to be setup in the devices list and be set to Status Registered. The password that is set here is used in the device to connect to the system and be authenticated just like a user authentication system. The serial number of the device - made up of the device type e.g. CB450 (for a GCS900 machine) and the serial number of the device - concatenated into a single name becomes the “username” for the device that combines with the password to make the device unique…
Base Stations
Base Stations are GPS receivers that are configured as GNSS Base Stations that can be connected to the IBSS (Internet Base Station Service) provided by the CIS Earthworks system that allows the GNSS corrections from the base station receiver to be transmitted over the Internet / cellular connections to the mobile rover receivers (Machines or Survey Rovers).
Since this is not a requirement for the GLK Mine project, we have not documented the system here. If you need more information on the IBSS service please contact us for more details.