RPS Earthworks - Cut Fill Map

RPS Earthworks - Cut Fill Map

The cut fill map display can show several different types of cut and fill map from the following options

  • Starting Surface vs Date/Time
  • Design Surface vs Date/Time
  • Capping Surface vs Date/Time (Backfill work orders only)

The Starting Surface vs Date/Time shows the amount of Cut or Fill that has taken place since the start of the work order.

The Design Surfaces vs Date/Time shows the amount of Cut or Fill that remains to be completed to achieve the target surface design.

The capping Surface vs Date/Time shows the amount of Cut or Fill that remains to be completed to achieve the target capping surface design

Date and Time Selection

You can set the date and time at which you want to see the cut fill map. The date and time selector limits date and time selection to the extents of the work order (Scheduled or actual start date to current day / time or work order end date). All other dates and times are greyed out. The production database maintains a record for the production surface as it changes over time, so it can be queried in this manner.

Volume Report

In the lower left corner of the map you will find the summary volumes report for the selected query. The report shows the Target Volume, Volume Completed, Volume Remaining, % Complete and % Remaining for Cut and Fill numbers.

Survey Surface Review

The survey surface review can be accessed from the tools in the top right of the map screen. This review will display the list of surveyed surfaces that have been loaded to RPS Earthworks that have a min max boundary that overlaps or partially overlaps the currently selected work orders min max range.


By selecting the checkboxes next to the survey surfaces list displayed, the map will display the Min Max limits of the selected surveyed surface(s) as shown below

This capability was added to assist you in understanding which survey surfaces have been loaded that affect the currently selected work orders results.