RPS Custom Menus, Toolbars and Shortcuts

  • Download the Custom Menu, Toolbars and Command Shortcuts File below

RPS Menu Configuration v2024.00.bin (2.8 MB)

  • Place the file somewhere safe that you can easily locate on your computer e.g. create a folder
    \Documents\TBC Master\Menus\

  • Install the configuration as follows

  1. Run TBC
  2. Select the Support Menu
  3. Select the Customize Ribbon command
  4. Select Import
  5. Browse to the above folder location
  6. Select the above downloaded menu configuration file
  7. Press OK

Once installed we recommend that you exit TBC by using File - Exit (not the X in top right corner) to allow TBC to write a Layout file that remembers this menu and toolbar configuration. Wait about 30 seconds and restart TBC - it should now have the custom menu Configuration at Startup.