Quick Cut Fills for Milling Project

I have a large parking lot we are milling and repaving. Had it shot by a drone to get an accurate existing surface. There are a lot of grade issues and it’s only a 1.5" mill and fill. Is there a quicker way to compare my surface to the existing surface on the fly while I’m making adjustments? Seems like a long way to do it making changes then doing a cut fill map to see where we are too high or too deep and adjusting and repeating. Trying not to mill or fill more than 3" to make it work if possible. Thanks.

Hey Thomas,

I’m going to be speaking a little naively here because I haven’t tried to tackle an issue like this, but I would use our cut/fill labels or label points commands to do this work. These labels should adapt to your changes as long as your surfaces are set to the auto rebuild method. This would give you your C/F values adaptively as you make changes.

Let me know what you think and we can discuss it further,

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For similar situations, I have used CF. Setting your CF legend will take some strategy but will help, giving you a good visual aid as you make adjustments. This will also give you boundaries around areas that are in tolerance or not.

Am I to understand that you are using UAS photogrammetry to produce an existing ground pavement surface for a project that probably would need to have a tolerance of at worst something like ±0.03’?

If you are using a UAS Lidar I might hope it was a little better, but would still expect the error to be around ±0.10’ (1 1/4") at a reasonable degree of confidence.

I really don’t think that UAS is the appropriate method to do the work you’re doing.

If you build the surfaces as Takeoff Surfaces i.e. Build your Existing Parking Lot model as Original ground and your milled surface as Design (that means categorizing the layers on which your Original Linework and Design Linework are drawn on) and then Build Surfaces.

You can then build a Cut Fill Map between the two surfaces and then use the attached color map file that says anything below 0.130’ (1.5") is in tolerance (Green) and anything outside of that is out of tolerance by varying degrees (shades of blue in 1.5" bands) (if I interpreted your request correctly i.e. 0 to 1.5" is OK, >1.5" is too much) - if that is incorrect and anything below 1.5" is not enough and anything >1.5" is OK - but gets less OK as it gets greater so for example I could use colors of 0 to 1.5" is Red (need to cut more) and 1.5 to 3.0 is Good (Green) and 3 to 4.5" is OK (Orange) and >4.5" is OK (Blue) for example so that by looking at the CF Map you can see Red - need to mill more, Green - Milling is Good, Orange - Milling is a little high, Blue - Milling is too much. The color maps are easy to modify - there are two examples below that cover the 2 scenarios above. If you label the CF Map then as you make changes to your Design and Rebuild Surfaces in Takeoff, the CF Map will update to reflect the new surfaces and their differences and the colors / label values update to give you the detail.

Cut Fill Map - Color Maps

1.5 inch Mill.tcf (1.1 KB)

1.5 inch Mill v2.tcf (1.1 KB)

Video shows a quick example (simple example to show concept)