PDF Manager Command

D_PDFmanager_600ppi  PDF Manager

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the PDF Manager command

Command History

Oct 2024 - First release of the command

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The PDF Manager command is part of the RPS All Tools Command Library
  • The command is located on the RPS Modeling menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Takeoff menu group

Command Shortcut

CTRL P is the command Shortcut when using the RPS Command Shortcuts from the RPS Command Shortcuts command.

Command Description

Provides a fast and efficient way to import, review, select and geo-locate PDF plan and profile page images for site and alignment based projects, extract images from pages, and extract clipped vector linework automatically for each page. Also provides an effective workflow for re-referencing all PDF pages and associated data to a new location when project control has been established.

Command Interface Description

The PDF Manager command has two primary components, each has it’s own user dialog.

The first process provides the ability to select, review, group and rename pages ready for use in the PDF georeferencing procedure.

When you run the PDF Manager, the command starts by asking you to select a PDF File that you want to work with. Browse to the folder location and select the PDF file that you want to use with TBC.

PDF Manager Dialog

On selection of the PDF file, the file will be opened and displayed in the above PDF Manager dialog. The PDF Manager dialog is broken up into 3 major panes (areas 1-3 of the dialog) and two control areas (area 4 and 5 of the dialog).

Area 1 of the dialog is used to create Page Collections (Page Groups) of PDF Pages e.g. Erosion Control Plans, Grading Plans, Utility Plans etc. within the PDF Plan Set.

Area 2 of the dialog is used to name / rename and or set the Page IDs of the pages of the PDF file. The process provides a Page Naming Template tool that can be used to create a template for providing a page title and or page ID that can then be applied to selections of pages in the page list.

Area 3 of the dialog is the Page Preview pane. this will display the selected page for review. The review can be managed using the controls in Areas 4 and 5 of the dialog.

Area 4 of the dialog provides the ability to select a Page Collection that will be used to filter the page list down to just the selected page collection. It also provides the ability to select a page from within the page collection, and also set the zoom level for the selected page so that you can review more detail.
You can also select the synchronize selection function, when working with All Pages, to synchronize selections within Area 2 with the graphical display of the selected page in Area 3 of the dialog.

Area 5 of the dialog shows you a set of page markers for the selected page collection i.e. if you have a page collection comprising 8 pages, you will have 8 page markers down the side of the preview pane, which allows you to select a page that you wish to review.

On completion of the processes associated with this dialog, you can click the Close button to return to the PDF Registration dialog (see below).

Creating Page Collections

If the source PDF file has bookmarks that define the page collections of the plan set, those bookmarks will be read and used to create the Page Collections automatically. If the Bookmarks have been used for other purposes in Acrobat / Bluebeam, then you can delete the Bookmarks and create the Page Collections manually. If there are no bookmarks in the source PDF file, you can create your Page Collections here directly.

Deleting existing bookmarks

To delete existing bookmarks, select the bookmarks in the table that you wish to delete, and click the Delete (Trash Can) icon in the lower right corner of the pane.

Creating a Page Collection

To create a Page Collection, click the (+) icon in the lower right corner of the pane to create a table entry. Click in the fields of the table to edit the Name of the page collection, to define the pages that make up the page collection (e.g. 1-5,6,9,12), and set the default scale for the pages in that page collection. For example, if the Grading Plans are located on pages 23-32 you can create a Page Collection called Grading Plans, and then set the Pages to 23-32 and if they have a scale of 1" = 100’ you can set the scale to 100. The scale defined here will apply to all sheets in the page collection, unless an individual sheet has an override value applied in the Page Naming area (see below). To enter the pages that make up the page collection, you can specify page numbers e.g. 1,2,3 or a page range e.g. 27-35 or a combination of both entry types i.e. 1,2,3,27-35. For All Pages use *.

You can resize the column widths using a left mouse click and hold over the column dividers.

You can resize the panes on your screen with a left mouse click and hold over the orang pane divider bars.

Create as many page collections as needed.

The Page Collections are applied to the currently selected PDF File. You can associate any number of PDF files to the TBC Project, and once associated, you can select the PDF file and setup or modify the page collections for that file as needed.

To select or add an additional PDF file to the project, click on the PDF File selector Browse button in the top right corner of the pane.

Creating Page Titles for pages of a PDF file

If Page Labels / Titles are provided in the source PDF file they will be used to title each page of the PDF file here.

If the pages of the PDF file do not have page labels, the pages will be given a default name that utilizes the Bookmark Name from the PDF file and a page number for each page in the bookmark group starting at - 001 i.e. for a Bookmark group / page collection called Grading Plans, and for 4 sheets that make up that page collection, the page titling will be Grading Plans - 001, -002, -003, -004.

If there are no bookmarks defined, then the page titles will be based in the source PDF file name and the page number of the page in the source PDF file i.e. for a PDF file called Approved Street and Storm Plan and page number 27 in the plans, the page title will be Approved Street and Storm Plan - Page 27

Each page of a PDF file will be given its own PDF Page number.

Page ID will by default be left blank, but can be added by the user e.g. Grading Plans may be numbered G-001 through G-008 in the Plan set, so you can utilize this same convention for the Page Id’s in PDF Manager.

Each page of a PDF file will also have a Display Name, the Display name combines the Page ID and the Page Title i.e. For a page with Page Title Grading Plans and Page ID G-001, the Display name will be G-001 - Grading Plans. The Display name is used in the PDF Registration Process and will be displayed in the imported files list once the sheet has been georeferenced.

The Scale of pages is typically defined at the Page Collection level, however if e.g. you have an overview sheet at one scale and then individual sub sheets at a different scale, you can override the Page Collection Scale in this table for specific pages. The scales entered in PDF Manager will be the default scales used when the pages are georeferenced using the “No Change” option.

To change the values for any specific page, click in the field of the table and enter the desired Page Title, Page ID or Scale override value etc.

Changing the Page Title or Page ID using templates

Changing the Page Title or Page ID for any individual sheet can be accomplished by editing the details in the Page naming table.

If you want to change the Page Title or Page ID for 2 or more pages at the same time, you can create a name template using the Edit Template control. Click the Edit Template button to create a name template. The following dialog will open.

Within the name template function there are two sources of codes that you can use to construct the name template, the PDF Page itself and or the Page Selection that you will be naming.

Values derived from the PDF Page
When the PDF file is read, each page is created as a separate image and it is the images that are being worked on inside TBC. Each image will be given a unique Filename, Page Title, Page ID, and Page Number.

  • PDF Filename {IMG,F}
  • Page Title {IMG,T}
  • Page ID {IMG,ID}
  • Page Number {IMG,P}

If you combined all of these codes into a name template it would look as follows
{IMG,F} - {IMG,T} - {IMG,ID} - {IMG,P}

A typical output name would then look as follows
The_PDF_File - Control Layout - C-123 - 1

The_PDF_File = the PDF Filename
Control Layout = the Page Title
C-123 = The Page ID
1 = the Page Number in the PDF File

You can also leverage the page selections that you make to derive the following page name elements

  • Item number
  • Count

Item number {SEL,II} = the count of the current page within the selection of pages

Count {SEL,NN} = the number of pages in the selection of pages

i.e. if you have a total of 23 pages selected, and this is looking at page 7 then the Item number = 7 and the Count = 23

You can also insert any text of your own as prefix, suffix or embedded text in the name string defined by the template.

The Page naming function will also create a Display Name for each PDF Page. The Display Name is used in the View Filter Manager for the Georeferenced PDFs and also for the imported file names in the Project Explorer - Imported Files list.

Once you have defined the Name template, select the pages in the list of pages table that you wish to apply the template to, and then click either Apply to Page ID or Apply to Page Title as required to apply the changes required.

Page Review Area

In the Area 4 area of the dialog, you can make the following selections to control the content of the review pane. The review pane will display a single page at a time.

Zoom level:

The zoom level control provides the ability to select x1, x1.5, x2, x4 zoom levels for the page. When zoomed you can pan the review pane to see more details in different areas of the page. To pan you can use the left mouse button, the right mouse button or the wheel mouse button - click and hold the button and move the mouse to pan the view.


If you have created page collections in the PDF file, you can select a single page collection here from the pull down list to display just the pages from that collection.


Select the page image that you wish to display in the review pane from the pull down list of pages available in the PDF File or the Page Collection of the PDF File.

Synchronize selection checkbox:

When this button is enabled, and you have the All Pages collection selected, you can click on a page in the Area 2 pane (page list pane) to update the review pane with the selected page.

The currently selected page is shown in the top left corner of the graphics pane as a reference.

Navigating the pages selected:

To navigate the pages of the PDF File or the Page Collection that you have selected, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard, you can select the page from the Image list or you can use the orange slider bar and page markers on the right side of the review pane in Area 5 of the dialog.

If you hover over the orange slider in Area 5, the arrow keys on your keyboard will navigate up or down the page list within the currently selected page collection.

The orange markers in area 5 represent either each page of the page collection selected, however on large PDF files or large PDF page collections, there may be too many pages to display markers for, so the markers will be evenly spaced index points of the pages. As you navigate down the list, the slider will stop at points between the markers, at s spacing dependent on the number of pages in the page collection.

Once you have reviewed the PDF file, created Page Collections and Named the Pages as you require, click the Close button to return to the PDF Manager - Georeferencing Command dialog.

Georeferencing PDF Pages

The pages of the PDF are not imported into the project until they are selected for Georeferencing in the PDF Registration process.

The PDF Registration dialog looks as follows.

Image name manager / Import PDF:

This button accesses the PDF Manager dialog described above. Here you can select a PDF file, create Page Collections, Name PDF pages, and review the pages prior to the Georeferencing process.

PDF file:

Select the PDF file that you have added to the project, from which you want to extract and georeference pages into the TBC project.


Select the page collection from which you want to extract and georeference pages into the TBC project.

Mode selectors:

The PDF Manager process is broken into 5 steps as follows

  • Import / Review PDF File - Create Page Collections, Name Pages and review the Pages prior to use in TBC
  • Georeferencing - The Georeferencing process includes extracting the page to create an image for placement, the placement of the page which includes scaling, moving and rotating the image into position, and applying an image boundary / clipping frame to cut the image down so that they can be edge matched to create a single continuous graphical display for the project. Both Plan and Profile drawings can be georeferenced in this step. This process also allows multiple extracts to be made from a single PDF page. Several methods of Georeferencing are supported.
  • Data Extraction - This extracts linework, Fills, and Text from the image, provided that the source file is a Vector PDF. If the PDF has CAD Layers they will be utilized and recreated in the TBC project. If the PDF file is a raster PDF, no data extraction is possible. Extracted data can be layered and colored using one of several defined methods.
  • Image Extraction - this provides the ability to extract areas of PDF pages e.g. Typical Details, and place them in the Plan View of the TBC project as a reference for modeling or estimating purposes. These extracted images are not georeferenced and linework cannot be extracted from them.
  • Update Georeference - this provides the ability to re reference the georeferenced images and move, rotate, scale them into a new position along with all of the associated linework, text, fills and images that were extracted from them.


In this process you will select a PDF page from the selected PDF File and Page Collection that you want to Georeference.

PDF page:

Select the PDF page from the list of pages in the currently selected PDF File and Page Collection that you wish to georeference. On selection the page will be loaded and displayed in the Plan View of TBC. If you already have data loaded into the project, the PDF page will be placed below the lower left corner of the project and will be displayed at the scale defined in the PDF Review phase or at the scale defined in the PDF file itself.

Registration method:

Depending on the nature of the project (type of project, number of sheets used to define the project (size of project)) you will select the appropriate method of registering the selected page(s). When working on multi page projects, the sheets will be automatically loaded in sequence from the selected page collection on completion of the prior sheet. Here are the main options that are available to you

  • Scalebar
  • Alignment
  • Multi point

For site projects, you will most commonly use the Scalebar or Multi point methods of registration.

For highway, railway or pipeline type projects, you will most commonly use the Alignment method of registration.

You can mix and match the method used for each successive sheet to leverage the most appropriate method for the sheet being processed. For example on a subdivision, you may have grading plans that you place using the Scalebar or Multipoint methods, and Plan and Profile drawings for the Roads or Storm and Sanitary Sewer Profiles that you use the alignment method for.

The dialog for each method varies, each method will be covered below.

Scalebar Method

Within the Scalebar method there are 4 main components of the registration process

  • Scale
  • Orientate
  • Move
  • Clipping

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to use the Scalebar method of registration.

You can also select to Georeference an Extract from a page e.g. if on a page there are multiple details e.g. of an Intersection, Driveway, or a Cul-De-Sac bulb that you need to place in different locations around the project. You should Georeference Extracts first before Georeferencing a page. Once a page has been fully georeferenced, you cannot return to the sheet to make individual extracts for georeferencing or for images that you may want to capture and place from the sheet.


Scale converts the page from its drawing scale up to real world distances i.e. the drawing in the page may have been defined at a scale of 1’ = 50’ (1:600), so this process will allow you to rescale the drawing / page selected.

There are three options for scaling

  • No change - this places the page at the defined page scale in the plan view without changing the size of the drawing. The resulting image will not be at true scale as a result.
  • Fixed scale - this places the image at the defined scale i.e. if you enter a scale of 1:50 (1’=50’ in a US Ft or International Ft project) or 1:500 (1m = 500m in a Metric project).
  • Scalebar / Known Distance - this places the image based on the clicking of 2 points in the image, that are at a known distance apart - commonly a scalebar, or two points in a drawing grid, or two points at the ends of a property line or building line that is dimensioned or labeled in the drawing. Click Point 1 and Point 2 in the page image and then enter the distance between those points.

Note that Vector Snapping is fully enabled for the selection process, allowing you to precisely click the ends or nodes of lines in the PDF page image. Note that if you need to select the middle of two vector snap points, the right click COGO snaps will also work in this process.


Orientate will rotate the image so that it is correctly aligned to e.g. True North based on clicking 2 locations in the image that fall on a known bearing (e.g. a property line), or north arrow. There are 3 options available for orientate.

  • None - this leaves the PDF page in its normal orientation i.e. no additional rotation
  • North arrow - this orientates the page based on clicking 2 points on a North Arrow that define the direction of True North. The two points clicked (from South to North on the arrow) define a baseline that will be set to orientation 0 on the project, thereby rotating the sheet to align with that baseline.
  • Known bearing - this orientates the page based on clicking the 2 end points of a labeled or dimensioned baseline e.g. a property line or grid line where the bearing of the line is clearly defined and can be entered with the two points to orientate the sheet.

It is often easier to process plans in their natural orientation and to later use the Update Georeference function to scale, orientate or move the sheets and data into their true location for the project.


Move will move the page image to a defined location that is defined by a know coordinate that is marked on the drawing e.g. a Grid location, an alignment point, a manhole or boring log location etc.

There are two modes available

  • None - do not move the sheet at all
  • Move - select a point in the image (From) and the point that you want to move the sheet to (To). If you have imported CAD data or you know the actual coordinate you can type in the coordinate in the normal N,E or E,N format data entry or you can click the true location using CAD snaps to the CAD data or vector PDF date extracted from a previously placed sheet.


When you place the PDF pages, you can elect to leave the sheet unclipped, in which case the entire image will be visible after placement, or you can use one of several methods to place a clipping boundary around the area of the sheet that carries the detail that you require. Note that the clipping boundary does two things

  • It clips the image so that in multi sheet projects, the adjacent images match up along their edges, and so that you eliminate image information e.g. Title Box and Borders detail etc. from the graphics.
  • It clips the data that you will extract from the image in the Data Extraction process, so that it also edge matches correctly on multi sheet projects.

Video Demonstration

In all cases, the PDF Manager command tries to minimize the amount of work required by the user to place and clip multiple sheets, if the boundary areas for successive sheets are the same, you can reuse the defined clipping boundaries on each sheet, making minor adjustments where necessary. If the previously defined clipping area makes no sense for the current sheet, you can click the Reset button to define the clipping boundary from scratch.

There are three methods to define the clipping boundary

  • Expanding rectangle - this defines a rectangular clipping boundary for the image. The expanding rectangle allows you to repeatedly click the edges of the rectangle into position, allowing you to define the boundary extremely precisely to match the data on the sheet.

Clipping point:
The expanding rectangle rectangle method is expecting the definition of initially 2 points to define the rectangle (any two opposite corners), and then allows for any number of adjustments to the clipping area (now highlighted with a yellow polygon over the image area). To adjust the rectangle sides, you can click on a vector snap location (a line end or line node in the PDF image) or inside or outside the yellow rectangle somewhere around the mid point of a side. Note that clicking near a corner will move the corner. If for any reason you have to significantly reduce the size of the defined clipping boundary, we recommend that you click reset to start over. You can make minor adjustments using the click inside or outside of the frame near the side mid points, however to reduce the size of the frame, you are limited by how much you can reduce the frame with each click (see the video below).

  • Polygon - this defines a polygonal area within the image - this is commonly used to define areas for the Georeference Extract process for example. The polygon is defined by a series of clipping points that are drawn in sequence around the boundary area required. Note that the clipping points cannot be edited, if you make a mistake or need to adjust the area click the Reset button and start over.

  • Alignment - this defines an alignment based boundary, where the ends of the boundary are at two stations on an alignment, and the sides of the polygon are at an offset to left and right (typically) of an alignment. Note that the offsets can both be positive (to the right of the alignment), or negative (to the left of the alignment), or placed to the left and right of the alignment.

This method is normally used with the Alignment registration method.

You can use any combination of Scale, Orientate and Move to set the placement parameters for the page.

Once the Scale, Orientation, Move and Clipping parameters have been defined, you need to decide if you are georeferencing an entire page or an extract of a page. Note that if you use Georeference Page, you will no longer be able to Georeference Extracts of a page once the Georeferencing is applied. If in doubt use the Georeference Extract method, which allows you to come back and register a second or subsequent area of the page, or to extract images (non georeferenced) from the page.

To Georeference an Extract of a page, click the Georeference Extract button.

To Georeference a page, click the Georeference Page button.

Results pane:

The results pane shows the status of the georeferencing process as you apply Scale, Orientate and Move parameters.

Alignment Method

When working with corridor style (alignment based) projects, you will typically use the Alignment method for placing the sheets of the project.

This will require that you first have the alignment created against which you want to place the drawing sheets.

Typically you can generate the alignment in the following ways

  • Import the alignment from a LandXML file provided by the DOT / Engineer.
  • if the alignment does not contain Spiral segments you can import the alignment geometry from a CAD file and convert it into an alignment
  • You can read the plans, tabulate the alignment data and then key in the alignment using the TBC alignment editor, or import the tabulated data using the RPS Edit Alignment as a Spreadsheet command.

PDF page:

Select the PDF page from the list of pages in the currently selected PDF File and Page Collection that you wish to georeference. On selection the page will be loaded and displayed in the Plan View of TBC. If you already have data loaded into the project, the PDF page will be placed below the lower left corner of the project and will be displayed at the scale defined in the PDF Review phase or at the scale defined in the PDF file itself.

Registration Method:

Select the Alignment registration method.


Select the alignment that you want to use for the alignment registration.


When using the alignment method, you must use at least 2 points in the image matched to two points at zero offset on the alignment (defined using station values only). You can use as many points as you want, to add redundancy to the calculations and to determine the accuracy of the sheet placement. With two points only, we provide a graphical check against the alignment before you commit the georeference registration. With 3 or more points, you will see residual checks on each point that provide an indication of the accuracy of the registration before you commit to it, and indicates which point(s) are causing the worst errors etc.

When you have added multiple points (>2) to the registration, you can decide to use / not use each of the points in the calculation by checking the check box On (Use) or Off (Do Not Use).

Image Location - click a point in the image that represents an alignment location. Normally alignments in the PDF files are labeled with stations every 50 / 100 feet etc. and there will be tick marks and labels at the major locations along the alignment. If the mid point of the tick mark is where it crosses the alignment, there may / may not be a vector snap point at that location. If there is no snap point where you need it, use the right click COGO snaps to find e.g. the Middle of 2 points snap, and snap the two ends of the tick mark of interest in the image.

Alignment Station - for each image location point that you create, enter the station value of the point that you clicked in the Image Location above. The point you are defining will be at 0 offset to the alignment at that location.

Use the Tab key to move between the fields.

Residual - the residual values will be displayed when you have 3 or more points defined for the registration. If you use just 2 points there are no residuals calculated. A residual is an indication of the quality of that specific point in the fit of the image to the alignment data. If you enter several points to register the page, and you make an error on input of one of the values, the erroneous point will stand out in the residuals that it generates. You can correct the image location or the station for the point to update the registration or you can uncheck the checkbox for the point to remove it from the solution.

3 Points - Good Residuals

5 Points - Bad Residuals

Identified Rogue Point

Add a point:

To add extra points to the solution use the (+) key in the lower right corner of the dialog area

Delete a point:

To delete points from the solution use the Delete (trash can) icon in the lower right corner of the dialog area

Once two points have been registered, the command will extract the section of the alignment relating to this sheet and superimpose it over the sheet as a check, if you have a significant error in the registration you should see it now because the overlaid alignment will not perfectly match the alignment in the drawing sheet.

Matching Alignment

Non Matching Alignment


For Alignment based registration, you will most likely use the Alignment Mode for the clipping boundary. The alignment mode boundary has a start (Station 1) and end station (Station 2) and a left (Width Left) and right (Width Right) offset. You set these values to match the match line data and offsets required to clip out the image elements required for the project. Note that the left and right boundaries could be straddled left and right of the alignment or could both be to the left or both to the right of the alignment. For this reason, the offsets for the boundary can both be defined as positive or negative entries.

Video Demonstration

Place Profile checkbox:

When working with e.g. Plan and Profile sheets, you may want to georeference both the plan area data and the profile area data for each sheet. If you want to georeference the profile portion of the sheet, check the Place profile checkbox.

Profile point

The profile placement process is different for the first sheet where we need to define the horizontal and vertical scale vs the second and subsequent sheets for the same alignment where we can typically assume the scales to be the same. If scales do happen to vary, you can reset the scale for that specific sheet rather than use the defaults.

The profile point is a single point in the profile image where you know the Station and Elevation values for the location.


The Origin location is where in the plan view you want to place the Profile images that are georeferenced. The default location is above the Top Left limit of the current TBC project data, at a location that is rounded to the nearest 100’ coordinate in N and E axes. You can override this location if you want to.

Pick the location, and specify what Station and Elevation you want at that location. By default the station and elevation are set to the values defined for the “Profile Point” above.

Horizontal Scale:

On the first profile drawing, select two points that are a known distance apart in the X (Station) axis of the drawing. If your two points are not aligned perfectly to the X axis, the X distance in the drawing is determined between the two points for the scaling purpose. Enter the distance between the two points. We recommend using two points on the X (Station) axis grid for this purpose.

Vertical Scale:

On the first profile drawing, select two points that are a known distance apart in the Y (Elevation) axis of the drawing. If your two points are not aligned perfectly to the Y axis, the Y distance in the drawing is determined between the two points for the scaling purpose. Enter the Elevation Difference between the two points. We recommend using two points on the Y (Elevation) axis grid for this purpose.

Example data

For the second page profile drawing, the process is quicker as the command utilizes the same scales for horizontal and vertical, assumes the same clipping area for the profile (which can be adjusted to fit the data / image). The data entry for sheet 2 includes the Profile Point and changes to the clipping boundary only.

Georeference Page button:

To register the plan and profile areas of the sheet, click the Georeference Page button. Remember that once a sheet has been georferenced, you cannot subsequently register a second extract from the sme sheet. If you plan to extract 2 or more plans or profiles from the same sheet then use Georeference Extract vs Georeference Page button.

Georeference Extract button:

To register a part of a sheet only, when you plan to also a register a second area f the sheet e.g. Split Plan and Profile Sheets, use the Georeference Extract button instead of using the Georeference button.

Results Pane:

The results pane provides information about the registration results along with any warnings regarding the process.

Registered Plan Sheets

On registration of the plan sheet elements, the plans will look like this against the alignment

The boundaries shown in Red will be drawn on the SITE - Images layer. You can edit the properties of those boundaries if you want to extend the station rage or the offsets left and right. When you adjust these properties, the image displayed will get larger or smaller in line with the changes.

Note also that if any of the boundary corners extends outside the sheet limits of the image, that nullifies the image boundary from a clipping perspective, if that happens, reduce the offset values so that the image crops correctly.

You can also set transparency or the display style of the images through the image properties pane.

Registered Profile Sheets

On registration of the profile sheet elements, the profiles will look like this

When you come to Data Extraction, you can extract data from both the plan and profile images that have been georeferenced. The data extracted will be automatically clipped to the defined clipping boundary.

Multi Point Method

When you tap apply, XXXXX and the command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process.

Executes the command and closes on completion

Closes the command without further execution.

Closes the command without further execution.

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the PDF Manager command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the PDF Manager command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please click Reply below.