Nudge Line Enhanced To Also Nudge Points

The Nudge Line command was initially developed to Nudge a selected line left or right along its entire length. The command is used to move one line of a pair of lines laterally, when the two lines are included in a surface model and the lines are separated vertically but not horizontally, thereby removing the flags in the model and allowing the surface to form correctly and representing the vertical face (wall or footing face for example) correctly. The command eliminates the need to create an offset line, add the offset line to the surface and delete the original line from the model, providing a single step solution for what would otherwise be a multi step problem.

With the new enhancement, the command is now also ideally suited to fixing similar problems in cross section based data as is found typically on Highway projects when using the Cross Section Takeoff capabilities of TBC. In this case we have a par of nodes on the same line that are separated vertically and we want to include the line in a surface model. The command handles an unlimited number of “node pairs” in a single line, and provides a simple user interface to nudge the Lower or Higher of each pair either Forwards, Backwards, Left or Right in relation to the line direction. The tool is “smart” in that once you have selected the Lower or Higher of each pair to nudge, it can determine whether to move the nodes forwards or backwards to solve the problem. One Click and Enter is all that is required to move all the nodes Forwards or Backwards, or you can simply override the movement of any node to a Left or Right movement if that provides a better solution.

With this command, RPS is solving the commonly encountered causes of “Flags” in Surface Models making the process of creating Good Models faster and easier.

The following video highlights the Nudge Line / Nudge Node capabilities