News for this week

New releases this week

Check out our new releases this week - hard on the heels of Label Points, Create XLines, Create Slope Indicators and Permit Area Manager, this week we added one more new command the Point Detail Report and an update to the Relayer Command that allows you to clear the Layer List in one click (Thanks to Bruce Hopkins for this request!)

The Point Details Report started out as an update to the Points to CSV command but we soon found that we needed to rewrite that tool completely. So we created a new command Point Detail Report that does the following

Reports any number of point object details to a user defined CSV file format and opens the report automatically in Excel.
User can select an optional surface model and or feature line or alignment to compute points as Station, Offset and Cut / Fill to the surface model.
When the line or alignment is selected you can report the line elevation and the Dz or slope to / from the line
When the surface is selected you can report the Dz to the surface as well as the surface elevation, the surface slope and the slope direction.
The point data includes Point ID, Feature Code, Coordinates, Local or Global Coordinates (LLH) as well as all survey attributes, description 1 and 2, and any associated media file names and full paths to the media files. You can also report Layer Names.
When reporting feature code and attributes, the output data is sorted by feature so that all points with common attributes are reported together for easy reading.

What’s more, you can create as many report templates as you want and store them in the RPS Settings location which is now centralized and stored outside of the project, so that the settings and templates are instantly available across all projects and after all updates to TBC.

The team is pioneering some important changes to settings, layers, layer groups and more through the settings control, we hope to give you some updates to that over the next few weeks.

I am really proud of the work that Peter and Wyn are putting out there through TMLs and the supporting infrastructure - like TMLStatus, the new RPS Controls for eg Slider Controls, Creating New Layers and Layer Groups, the new RPS Settings Controls etc. this is going to transform the way that you use TBC in the future, making everything faster, easier and making you more competitive.

Great Work guys - the tools are fantastic

I also want to mention these Comments of the Week from Bruce Hopkins and Danny Wrench which echo the sentiments mentioned above

Bruce Hopkins (Thank for this Bruce - The team really appreciate that!)

Permit manager works great. I am still in the process of utilizing across multiple layer (permit areas) but so far so good.

Label points TML is an absolute winner!!

Danny Wrench (Thanks Danny - Great to hear we are making a difference!)

I’m 61 years of age; I used Terramodel for 14 years. I did not think that in my working career, I had time to learn another software. But I’m so grateful I leaped. TBC will almost teach you by its self. All the great TML’s you guys are writing are outstanding! Support is over the top; if you need to find something out, it is on the community sites. The support, time, and long hours your guys have put in this software are extraordinary. This is one reason I push my company 20 years ago to go with Trimble Gear. Old Andy Donovan and Joe McNamara were two of the best support guys. Also could sell you water in the desert.

OK, that is enough.


I could not agree more about Joe and Elsa and the old SITECH Mid Atlantic Team - cannot beat them and great people to boot!