Mystery Layer Creation

At some point in my TBC work processes, either when I run a specific command or possibly when I import certain file types (.cal?, .xml?, .fxl?), a new layer group is created and a new layer added that is from a TBC project that I haven’t used for several months. I have never been able to recreate the problem intentionally, so I can’t prove what triggers it, but it’s always the same layer and layer group. At some point I have thought that Smart Copy or another Rockpile command was holding that layer deep in its memory somewhere, but again I haven’t figured out how to recreate the problem. It reminds me of TBC’s behavior when a vcl or Siteworks file is imported, but I’m fairly certain those aren’t the problem.
In reality this is just a minor annoyance more than anything, but it has left me curious enough to share it here to further our understanding of what is happening in the background that we can’t see.

What is the layer / Layer Group and what did you use it for. Some of our commands will create the Layer and Layer Group defined for a function if it does not exist in your project - In RPS Settings you may find it in one of the Settings controls - typically you have to run the command to create it though

We believe that Layers and Layer Groups are typically used for a specific purpose, and if a command has a specific purpose then it should likely create the required Layers and Layer Groups automatically if they don’t already exist. This is partially built into our tools (some of them at least) eg Label Slope does this and our Multi Offset Line does it because the Template stores the Layers and Layer Groups so it can create them etc. QA Notes also does this etc.

If you can provide a little more info I can maybe point you at where the issue lies


It’s an additional grading surface members group I created to use in a surface for a different phase of the project while keeping the two phases separate in TBC. It’s possible I used the takeoff tools with that layer included as well. Earthwork reporting? Takeoff Tools?

I would probably need a Project and a copy of your RPS Settings files folder to work out where it is coming from

I’m waiting for the issue to pop up again so I can send you something real to work with.