My TMLs Aren't Working or Files not found on Server

The commonest Support Issue that we get with our Command Library is one of the following

I run TMLStatus and it tells me that “Files not found on server” or

TMLs are not working after a TBC update

The cause of this is always the same, when TBC is updated, the TBC installer resets Read Write permissions on the Macro Commands folder for v3 Macro Commands. This means that TMLStatus cannot Write updates from our server to the folder until we reset the permissions on the folder. The only way we can do that is by running our installer / updater package after you have installed TBC.

So please do the following after any TBC update (new version like 2024.00 or a patch update like 2024.01 or 2024.11)

  • Close all instances of TBC
  • Wait at least 30 Secs for TBC to release its hold on all software components
  • Go to Rockpile Solutions Website
  • Go To Downloads Page
  • Select the RPS Command Library installer for your version of TBC (5.9, 2023, 2024 use the 2023.11 package currently) older versions the 5.80 package
  • Download the installer
  • Run the installer
  • Restart TBC
  • Make sure your Trimble ID is logged in
  • You can now use TMLStatus from the Tool Shed menu to check for updates and take any command updates that are offered
  • Close all instances of TBC
  • Wait 30 Secs for TBC to release its hold on all software components

Restart TBC

You should be good to go - if not call support (720 797 8001) or email support ( for assistance

The latest version of TMLStatus somewhat addresses the Files Not Found on Server Issue by telling you what to do and what happened - however you have to install the new version of TMLStatus before you get the solution …