My Rockpile TMLs are all Greyed Out and Are Not Working

This is the second type of support call that we get from time to time, again the reason for this happening are typically always the same reasons

The TMLs are greyed out for one of the following reasons

  • You don’t have a project open yet - the commands can only function when you have an open project. Commands like TMLStatus will still work when no project is open because there is no object dependency, but all other commands use objects for source or create objects or run imports or exports or generate reports so all commands need an open project to function.

  • You have an open project but the commands are still greyed out. It is quite likely that your TBC license is not working either. If you have a USB license it could be that the key was not spotted at start up by TBC and as a result TML capabilities are disabled at startup. Go to License Manager and check your license - select it and hit Apply, as soon as you do that and your license is detected, in 2023 and 2024 of TBC the TMLs will then ungrey and start to work. In older versions you will need to exit TBC and restart and provided the license is found at startup you should be good to go.

  • Your Trimble ID is not functioning. The RPS Command Library uses your Trimble ID email address as a check to see if you are setup on our system or not and if you have a license or not. If Trimble ID is not logged in, or in 2023 and earlier says it is logged in but actually is not, this will cause TMLs to stop working. Typically log out of your Trimble ID and Log back in again and things normally start working again after that. In 2024, Trimble ID appears to be handling things better now, in older versions it had a habit of dropping but saying it was logged in and that caused this problem.

  • You have updated TBC but not reinstalled the RPS Command Library - TBC will reset the Read / Write permissions on the Macro Commands folders which will stop things like TMLStatus from working. After each TBC update, at least for now, always reinstall the correct version of the RPS Command Library afterwards and then update the command library with TMLStatus thereafter. The reset of the Read / Write permissions is something Trimble has said that they will address in future by allowing us to create our own Macro Folder which they will not interfere with, however for now we have to live with the fact that they do this and we have to work around it by doing a reinstall. Our reinstall resets the permissions so that all our tools work as designed once again.

Hopefully these notes allow you to troubleshoot all common installation type issues. It is a good idea to use our installer packages each time we introduce one as that is our one opportunity to clean up your system and make any architectural changes for you behind the scenes to give you the best user experience.