MSI Manager Site Improvement

I have my MSI manager set up for topsoil stripping and respread. I have the topsoil set to usable up above. When I go to select landscape site improvement it does not show in my dropdown. I have to set up topsoil respread in site improvements(non-landscape) in order to see it in my dropdown. This requires addtional analysis and is not ideal.

Is it in your Earthen Materials category - it needs to be there before you can use it in Landscape - also has to be set to type Topsoil - if that isn’t the issue send me your MSI

It sounds like this is the same issue I am having. When I am in the Categorize Layers command and attempt to associate a site improvement with my Topsoil Respread layer, the landscaping/topsoil option does not show up in the drop-down. However, if I go into the Identify Site Regions command and go to the Site Improvements section, the landscaping/topsoil does appear in this drop-down menu.

Topsoil is in my MSI manager under Earthen and material nature is set to “Topsoil.”

Any ideas on why it is not showing up as a site improvement option in Categorize Layers would be appreciated? Thanks!

I can share screenshots, if desired.

I think that this is really just a “design” flaw - not really a bug as such.

In the Topsoil calcs the Topsoil Strip is balanced against the Topsoil Respread defined using SIs that are defined in the Landscaping / Topsoil category. This is a special category for just this purpose, and the process allows you to put a material on top (Seed, Sod etc) and topsoil respread underneath. This type of SI is then removed from the FD surface as a part of the “subgrade Adjustment” process, but is used to create the third FD surface that is then used to determine the amount of Topsoil Respread that can be married up with the Topsoil Strip areas.

I think the thoughts at the time this work process was created that you would only apply a few Topsoil Areas so doing them manually would be OK, as it turns out there can be dozens of landscape areas across the site and doing the assignment automatically could be helpful.

If you are prepared to do your Topsoil balancing by yourself, you can create another SI Category called Landscaping and in there create an SI called Seed on Topsoil 6", and then have e.g. 0.02 of Seed/Mulch and 6" Topsoil underneath. This will then act just like any other Subgrade and it will give you the Total Seed and Total Topsoil for each area that it is applied. The Topsoil Number that it generates for the project is the compacted placed Topsoil that can be balanced manually against your Strip numbers. It works basically the same way, and in this case you can apply this in the Categorization process to get this more automated.

There is no real downside to this approach, it just means it will all be computed as Site Improvements and reported as Sectional Areas along with your Sidewalks, Building Pads etc.
