Missing Exporter Options

Hi all,
Any chance you’ve run into this and have a way to fix it without a complete reinstall? I am trying to export CSV, but it is missing, and when I try to edit it, I get an error.


Custom imports and exports are all stored in your project templates folder. Each version of TBC creates a new folder 38.0 for 5.80.x and 37.0 for 5.70.x etc…

When you do an upgrade from eg 5.7 to 5.8 it asks you once when you run then new version if there are files that you want to.copy over - if you say no then only the defaults will be there.

One of a couple of things may have happened here

  1. if you went into Support / Options and look at File Locations - where is TBC looking for this folder - some people change this deliberately or inadverantly and that can scre you up - you could be pointing at a templates folder that has nothing in it or at least not your custom Exports or Imports. I would change it back to the default location.

2)Some people point at a One Drive or Drop Box location and that can screw thigs up - this is the old locking files issue while that we see while those systems are backing up

  1. There is not an export script defined with the file extension you are uzing

  2. ifyou had the exports in an older version of TBC find the older version project templates folder eg 37.0 and copy the import and export scripts to the 38.0 folder.

If that doeant work call me Weds and we can take a look at it together.


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This is my issue im having with import CSV files. and of course company im working for has the one-drive set up for back up. which maybe my issue. I have found that going into the Import Formatge Editor in the Import popup lets my CSV show up as CSV. A bit painful, only a few seconds lost.

Thank you for the prompt response Alan,
I checked the file location, and it does exist, but TBC says it doesn’t, as seen in the image below. No one drive etc., here. Everything is on C:.

I went to the 'file locations, option and to ‘Manage Options’ and reset it back to defaults. Everything is working as it should.

I think the .conriv piece in the path could be an issue after your username - maybe / maybe not.

If the reset to defaults worked then I guess we have fixed it

I dont change that ever because I have found that a number of things in TBC are hardcoded to the default path so even if you change it the default path is still needed.

Glad all is OK


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Just caught ONEDRIVE messing up the importer format. was trying to import a PDF. Did not recognize the PDF until I save the PDF on a storage card to attached to ONEDRIVE. Import format than was able to recognize the PDF format.