Lock Views Command

D_Lock2Views_600ppi   Lock Views

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Lock Views command is part of the RPS Data Prep Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Data Prep macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the View menu group

Command Description

Provides the ability to create two separate plan views displaying different information and synchronize pan and zoom activities so that the same location can be seen in both windows for direct comparison. Combine View Filters, Selection Sets and Lock Views to rapidly identify changes in project revision drawings or to compare weekly / monthly check surveys.

Last Updated: August 2nd 2022

The command has been updated to accommodate rotation of the plan views selected for the lock views function.

Command Interface Description

The Lock Views command dialog is a floating dialog that can run while other commands are being executed. The dialog looks as follows


Command pre-requisites:
Open two separate plan views. Set the two views to display side by side using either a Vertical or Horizontal split. Set the view filters as required for each of the two views. Run the Lock Views command.

First View
Pick the first view of the two views that you wish to lock together.

Second View
Pick the second view of the two views that you wish to lock together.

Enabled checkbox:
Check the Enabled checkbox when you want to synchronize the viewing of the two views. If you wish to stop the synchronous movement of the two views, un-check the checkbox.

Lock Scales:
If you want to maintain different view scales in the two locked views check this checkbox. This is extremely useful when e.g. Trimming off short segments of lines or breaking lines where you need to be zoomed in close to the target lines but need to zoom out when panning to the next line in order to be most productive, now you can keep one view at a large scale (View 1) and the other view at a small or detailed scale (View 2) making it easy to both pan around at a large scale yet maintain the detailed view for performing the edit functions required.

When Lock Scales is enabled, the view that covers a larger area will display a purple box that displays the extents and position of the other view. The purple box will switch views as you zoom in when the view covers a smaller area than the other view.

Click the Close button or the Red X in the top right corner of the dialog to shut down the Lock Views command.

Video Demonstrations

The following video shows how to utilize the Lock Views command

Command Update (Dec 2020) - video shows how the different scales assist in editing linework.

Command Update (August 2022) - Video shows how Lock Views works with rotated plan view(s)

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Lock Views command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Lock Views command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here