How To Save Project settings, Quick Access Tool Bar, layers, and Ribbons as Default

I have had some larger projects and put a lot of time into changing my project settings, customizing the ribbon and quick access tool bar. When I open a new project it opens as the TBC default.

I have exported and imported my layer manager file. I see where I can export my customized ribbon as well. What I am wondering is if I made a project template using a project where my layers, settings, and ribbons are exactly as I like, would that transfer all these over with less steps?

To make a template, can I open my current project, Save it as a different name. Then delete all lines, points, images, and surfaces and export it as a template? I tried this process before but I didn’t delete any design content and realized that template opened with a bunch of lines etc. not needed as part of a new template. I was very nervous that I would somehow corrupt my original project .VCE by opening it and saving as a different name. (This was the first housing development design I had ever made so I have ALOT of time into all the details.)

Second smaller question… I create a lot of custom colors. I would like to name them so they would be part of a template. Not sure why but my “define custom colors” is greyed out. IF its relevant I am on a subscription based modeling license. I do have access to a Perpetual license as well with a lot more included.

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A few of these I can help with. When it comes to the custom colors, that will have to be an Alan answer, it’s just something I haven’t personally messed with much.

Project Template - If you have a project you are currently working in that you think is a good place to start, in terms of layers and layer groups, you can use that. First thing would be to go to File and Save As, Save that project under another name. This is to make sure you don’t mess up the Project you are currently working in. At that point, the name of your project in the header should change to what you just saved. Ensure that happens before you start deleting things. If it makes you more comfortable, close TBC and open the new project. At that point, delete all data in the project, get your layers and layer groups looking the way you want them, go to File, Save as Template.

Layers and Layer Groups - If you only want the layers and groups, you can also export them out and bring them into another project. Open the Layer Manager, select the layers you want to export, hit export at the bottom of the window. You can then import those into any project, new or existing.

Options - Under Support and options, there’s a Manage Options at the bottom left corner of the window. You can either export a file, ( I would suggest doing this ) or you can choose the option to back up to user profile. This will save it in the cloud under your Trimble ID. You can do this with multiple setups if you want. You then have the option to restore from user profile.

There is also an option to save your Project Templets, User Options and Menu Ribbons to your user profile. Under Support - User Profile Manager.

A KEY thing that needs to be done when you change your Menu Ribbon is to Exit TBC Correctly. Go to File and then Exit at the bottom. This will save the changes to the menu ribbon in a hidden file in the background so the next time you open TBC, your ribbon is the same as when you left it. If you do not do this, all the changes you did to your ribbon will not save, even if you save your project.

When TBC asks you if you want to save your project, it is only referring to the Objects in the project. IE: Surfaces, points, lines, things of that nature. Not your menu ribbon.

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For me, I have started a empty project. I will make all the needed changes, add any files (plotting sheets), add FXL library, I will even import different file (this will add new linetypes and text. Could even add a calibration file. sometime hatches and then delete those imported files), make desired layers and groups. I then just save this as a template file. I usually just open this template and do save as. Now there is the option that you can save as a defualt template inside TBC when you want to open NEW. Or you can do a quick access to your template in the task bar TBC icon.
