Delete File from PDF Manager

What is the process for deleting a pdf file from the pdf manager?

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Yes, what is the process to remove a pdf from the pdf manager? Also how do you remove georeferencing from a pdf?

@Matt_Voge I think I can help with your second question. Go to the Update Georeference tab, double click the check box beside the sheet you wish to remove, and then click Delete Selected.

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Thank you, looks like I need to take my blinders off.

Hey Matt. We currently don’t have the ability to delete a PDF sheet inside the command, so you would need to go to Project Explorer / Imported Files / right click & delete the page. It takes a few clicks, but not too bad.

Where does the PDF Manager command keep the list of pdfs? Because you can delete the pdf from project explorer (which isn’t that painful), but it still shows up in the list in PDF Manager as unnecessary clutter.

Yeah, I’ve tried to remove them from the project folder itself and its still populating. I would like to know this as well

I came here today looking for this answer.
I was trying out PDF Manager and brought the same PDF into my project twice. Could be unrelated, but afterwards the graphics seemed laggy and generally slow so I deleted the PDFs from project manager and noticed they were both still showing in PDF manager.

To be honest I hadn’t really considered offering options to delete the pdf file from the project folder.

We keep a list of pdf files / pages etc inside the tbc project - Right now it doesn’t check to see if the pdf file still exists or not, so even if you delete it from the project folder, its entry in the list will still be there - And Bad things will happen if you then try to access any pages from that pdf using PdfManager.

I am looking at it right now to see what it should do if it detects that the pdf has been removed - I will probably just remove all references to it from the project.
Things get really murky if you have referenced a couple of pages, then go ahead and deleted the pdf from the folder (The TBC GeoreferencedImage object holds a link to the pdf file) - So I strongly suggest you don’t do that !

I also need to decide how best to handle the same situation but if there is not a project folder to work with.

Can i ask the following questions

  1. when and why would you want to delete a PDF file from a project - I was editing a PDF in Adobe the other day and I hit save but it had not dinished saving the PDF when O pi jed it up in PDF Manager so it was incomplete when loaded in PDF Manager - so a refresh / reload would have been good - delete and redo would also have worked and this is the first time I would have needed it. I ended up bringing it in a second time so I now had the same file referenced 2x - so I can see a needbfor something here.

  2. would you ever want to do thia after you have georeferenced lots of pages - ie are you seeing this as a way of removing the PDF and all the pages that you have referenced ie a full clean house or are you wanting to remove the PDF fe but not the Georeferenced images feom the PDF file? what do you really want to happen here.

  3. if you dont need to delete it can I ask why you want to delete it - is it becUse tou believe it is taking up memory / project suze / PC space etc. Or is there some other reason.

Let me know

  1., you are dead on with your number 1 above. You bring in a pdf and find out it would be more friendly to work with if you made a couple changes, so you need a way to delete and start over or perhaps refresh. I can’t speak for every modeler, but a realistic part of getting a model perfect is less about getting it perfect the first time and more about fixing something until it works :man_facepalming:

  2. My next feature request was going to be importing a revision set and automatically updating the georeferencing for each sheet to match the previous plan set, or at least automatically proposing a georeferenced location based on the original. I don’t see a use case for deleting the set from the pdfmanager while leaving the sheets in the TBC file. I would think that when you deleted a pdf from the pdf manager, it would wipe it out of the project entirely. Sometimes you might want to leave both the original set and the revised set, and sometimes you would want to delete the original set.

I also want to recognize @Wyn_Sleeman1’s pain in trying to make this all work. From the programmer’s perspective, making some of these tools meet the use case is just nasty. Yet from a user perspective, we just want it to work! So keep up the good work, @Wyn_Sleeman1 , and let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your life easier!

I wanted to put my .02 cents in here since i’ve run into this issue too and had to go to Proj. explorer to delete and reinsert.

  1. When revised plans, cut sheet diagrams, or exhibits come out for an area i dont want overlapping PDFs with old data in the file, or i dont want to keep the latter 2 in there full time, just for the initial quality control check or when i actually get an approved plan set to build off of.

This gets especially important on bigger jobs with 20+ pages, it balloons up the job file size having two+ sets of pdfs on a job.

Tangential thought, would be really cool if we had a way to ‘block’ pdf pages together to reduce size and turn into one ‘super’ pdf. I’d hope that with it being a single entity it might help with file size.

I like and second Mr. Huffords response under #2 as well as his response to Wyn… We appreciate you.