Cut/Fill creating corridor

I have a problem with cut/fill hatch on corridor. When I build a corridor cut and fill not compute properly. The screen below.
I want cut/fill value one the yellow area.

How to do it and where I do mistake?

Link to file:
Korytarz Kaplonosy zmiany DroMap

In corridors the cut / fill is computed between the original Ground and Design Surface and takes into account subgrade adjustments beneath the design surface buikt into the corridor. The Original Ground Surface is references into the corridor when you create the corridor itself and is also accessible when you either edit the corridor or look at its properties.

The design surface is the “finish” surface / material.layer of a corridor. The subgrades are applied as additional material layers beneath the finish grade. The cut and fill is the volume of earth materials between the original ground and the bottom of the lowest subgrade material.layer at any point or the finish grade if no subgrades are applied.

If the finish grade is narrower than the existing and does.not tie out to.existing then it will tie vertically at the left and right end to give you the blue area that you are seeing

Alan, could you edit my file and create corridor with cut/fill area as I showed in previous message? Or could you record any film how to do it properly?

Here is a video and an updated project - hopefully it answers some of your questions on how to model this the right way in TBC - if not let me know and I will try to add more detail as necessary to assist you

Your updated file (this was built in 2024 version of TBC - if you are using an older version of TBC - find the VCE in Windows File Explorer, Hold the CTRL and SHIFT keys down and then drag and drop the file over the small grey tab in top left corner of Graphics pane that says Start Page or Plan View and then release the mouse while holding down CTRL and SHIFT keys - this will downgrade the file to your TBC version).

Korytarz Kaplonosy zmiany DroMap v1.vce (2.6 MB)

Let me know if this helps you or not


Alan it helps me very well. Really thank you. All works great!!!

Could you tell me how to change font of descripitons on the cross sections?

If you mean the labels in the editor - they are controlled via Support - Options - and then the Object Labels option - you can change the font, font size, bold etc. there.

What is displayed is tied to the object being labeled properties
