Creating a Quick Section Drawing

This question comes up a lot, how do I create a quick slice drawing that cuts through 1 or more surfaces with high quality as a printout - a bit like Surface Slicer View but not pixelated in a PDF format.

The process is as follows

  • Draw an alignment across the road where you want to cut the profiles
  • Create Surface profiles through the surfaces that you want to slice along the alignment
  • Open the profile view for the alignment
  • Draw a rectangle to be used as a Dynaview Frame for the drawing around the profiles you created
  • Create a Dynaview from the rectangle you drew and place it on a custom sheet in your Planset
  • Add a Grid to the Dynaview for your grids for Stations and Elevations along the alignment
  • Print Planset to generate a PDF output

Video shows you how

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