Creating A Pavement Conformance Map and Report

In the video below we show how to create a Pavement Conformance Map and Report using a combination of the Surface to Grid command, Label Points command using the latest RPS Command Library 5.70 updates and the Cut Fill Map command of TBC.

Step 1 is to compare an Asbuilt Survey surface with the Design Pavement surface using the surface to grid command. This generates a points file of elevations based on station and offset in relation to a selected alignment across the as built surface.

Step 2 is to use the Label points command to compare the as built points generated in Step 1 with the pavement surface. This generates color coded delta elevation labels at each of the points generated in step 1. It also generates a CSV file output including the NEZ values of the points and the Delta Elevations to the surface.

Step 3 is to use Excel to color code the Delta Elevations using cell conditional formats and also to create a summary results table showing the number of points, median value, average value, points High, Points Low, Points in Tolerance etc.

Step 4 is to use the TBC Cut Fill Map with a custom color map to create a QA Cut Fill drawing showing areas of the ad built surface that are In Grade (Green), Near Grade (Orange) and High (Blue) / Low (Red) with respect to the pavement surface.

This short add on video shows the use of the color map created (below)

Color Map File Used
RPS - As Built Check.tcf (2.2 KB)