Corridor Cut Sheet
Command Licensing and Default Menu Location
- The Corridor Cut Sheet command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
- The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
- The command is located in the Reports menu group
Command Description
Generates a Cut Sheet Report for Project Supervisors that shows full cross section details of slope, elevation, offset, delta elevation and cut/fill for user selected nodes of a corridor cross section material layer surface e.g. Finished Grade. The report generates a section at every defined interval plus all critical locations (PC, PT, VPI etc.) as well as every table and superelevation instruction location.
Command Training Video
The following video shows how to utilize the Corridor Cut Sheet command
Update Information
Command Interface Description
The Corridor Cut Sheet command dialog looks as follows
Select the corridor model that you wish to report using the pull down list of corridors
From station:
The default behavior of the command is to report the full length of the corridor model. If you wish to only report a section of the corridor model, enter the Start station of the section that you wish to report.
End station:
The default behavior of the command is to report the full length of the corridor model. If you wish to only report a section of the corridor model, enter the End station of the section that you wish to report.
Material layer:
If your corridor has multiple material layers (subgrade surfaces) you can select the material layer that you wish to report from the pull down list of material layers. Note that this list is populated by the list of material layers defined within the selected corridor. The list does not determine whether or not there is any data defined for that material layer.
Station Locations section:
In this section you can define which stations that you wish to report from a number of options available. Check those that you wish to report from the following
- Interval - if you check this check box, you can define the interval that you wish to report. We recommend that you set the Interval value here to be the same as the Interval value defined in the corridor model templates. i.e. if the default project setting interval (Project Settings, Computations, Corridors) or the template sampling distance (Template properties) (if set to override the default project setting) is e.g. 10' then set the interval here to 10' also.
- HAL points - This will trigger report locations at the PC, PT etc. points of the corridor in addition to the other options selected.
- VAL points - This will trigger report locations at the VPC, VPT etc. points of the corridor in addition to the other options selected.
- Template locations - This will trigger report locations at each Template drop location in the corridor in addition to the other options selected.
- Table locations - Where you have utilized tables in corridor model instructions to define features of the corridor, each station listed in the tables or each node defined in 2D lines embedded in tables will be reported in addition to the other options selected.
- Extra locations - If you have used the Define Extra Stations command to add station locations to the corridor alignment, or if you use it here by clicking "Define extra locations" then these additional station locations will be reported in the Cut Sheet Report along with the other options selected.
Reverse checkbox:
The default report behavior is to report the lowest station first and then increment to the highest last. If you wish to reverse the order such that the highest station reports first and the lowest station last, then click the Reverse checkbox here.
Include Nodes section
In this section you can select which nodes of the corridor model that you wish to report. Typically you will report all nodes, unless for example you are generating just the pavement section or embankments section only. Note that all nodes with one exception have the option to be named, the exception is the Ditch that is defined in a Cut Tie Slope instruction. The Ditch will typically be the only unnamed node in the list presented here in the dialog. Check the nodes that you wish to report.
Report Layout section
Node listing format:
The nodes of the cross section can be reported “Across” or “Down” depending on the option selected here in the pull down list.
Across - Reports each node in a column of its own, and lists the requested values (see below) in rows below the node header.
Down - Reports each node in a row of its own, and lists the requested values (see below) in columns beside the node header.
The nodes are always listed in Left to Right order across the section with the Road Main Alignment at the center of the list of nodes.
Row wrapping:
The report is created using Microsoft Excel. The report is intended to be printed for use by field supervisors on site. As a result there is a limit to the width of the report whether you print in landscape or portrait mode. If the report is wider than the number of columns defined, then it will wrap the additional information based on this setting.
None - This mode will write out the data into a report of sufficient columns, no matter what settings you select below.
Return to center - this will report the first extra column back at the center line location and then proceed outwards to the left or right from there. If the report needs to repeat this for a third set of information, it would again return to centerline for the first extra column of information.
Snake - this will report the first extra column in the outermost column on the left or right, and then proceed inwards towards the centerline. if it needs to “snake again” then the third set of information would start at the center and work outwards to the left or right.
Number of columns:
Enter the number of columns that you wish to have in your report. When the number of columns required exceeds the number defined here, the node listing will wrap based on the above settings for Row wrapping. In the example shown above there are 11 Nodes in the report request. If you require a blank column at the left and right end of the report, then you would need 13 columns in addition to the column required for the value headers. In this case enter a value of 14 to avoid Row wrapping.
Pagebreak rows:
This setting instructs Excel to place a Page Break in the report every XX rows, based on the number entered here. A value of 35 works well for Landscape mode printing, you can increase that to 46 for portrait mode printing. The report endeavors to fit all rows for a specific station block on the same sheet, unless you specify a number of pagebreak rows that cannot be fitted onto a single sheet of paper with the font sizes that you select.
Header font size:
This is the height of the Text defined in the Station Header records of the report.
Normal font size:
This is the height of the Text defined in the table of values beneath the node headers.
Station Header / Center Node Fill Color:
This is the color shading applied to the Station Header and the centerline node column of each report section. Pick a color from the pull down color selector.
Cut Color:
This is the shade color of cut value cells if you elect to report Cut / Fill to a target cut/fill surface
Fill Color:
This is the shade color of fill value cells if you elect to report Cut / Fill to a target cut/fill surface
Report Content section
In this section you can define which values that you wish to report for the selected nodes. You can also elect to generate a blank column at the left and right ends of the report for field notes etc. Check the check boxes for the values that you wish to report from the list shown. Note that even if you are not reporting all nodes of the corridor model, the values where they report e.g. Slope, are the values to the prior node in the physical cross section, not the prior node on the report.
- Offset - This value reports the Offset of the node from the centerline
- Delta Elevation - This value reports the Difference in Elevation to the prior node in the cross section.
- Delta Elevation CL - this value reports the Difference in Elevation between the node and the vertical alignment elevation at the centerline.
- Slope - This value reports the Slope from the prior node in the cross section to the current node. A negative slope is downwards.
- Coordinate - this value reports the Northing and Easting coordinate of the node
- Elevation - this value reports the Elevation of the node
- Cut/Fill Surface - This value reports the Cut or Fill value to the selected target surface e.g. Existing Ground. The reported values will be in shaded cells that indicate a Cut (need to remove material from the target surface to achieve the node elevation) or a Fill (need to place material on the target surface to achieve the node elevation). Select the target surface in the pull down list of surfaces.
Command Tips
Header Commands
In the header bar of the command you will find command icons that link you to other commands that you may need access to while using this command. In this command the following commands are linked
- Help - this document access
- RPS Settings
- Takeoff Lines
- Smart Edit
- Adjust Linestring Elevation
- Create Alignment
- Create Horizontal Alignment Labels
- Create Corridor
- Create X-Lines
- Define Extra Stations
- Create Surface
- Add/Remove Surface Members
When you tap apply, the cut sheet report will be generated and opened in Excel. The command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process. Note, if the report generated does not meet your expectations, you can adjust the report parameters and re run the report very quickly.
Executes the command and closes on completion
Closes the command without further execution.
Closes the command without further execution.
NOTE: Please ensure that you have vertical data in your alignment prior to running this running this command or you will get an error.
*** ## Example Report Outputs **Across Method Report** [Example Across Method Cut Sheet Report.xlsx|attachment](upload://6auxnntoD86HVbBNeaG5vmh5aON.xlsx) (81.6 KB)
Down Method Report
Example Down Method Cut Sheet Report.xlsx (76.8 KB)
Use Case Videos
The following videos show the use of the Corridor Cut Sheet command in a work process context
Feedback and Enhancement Requests
If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Corridor Cut Sheet command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please click Reply below.