Corridor - As-Built Report

D_CorridorAsBuiltReport_600ppi Corridor As-Built Report

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Corridor As-Built Report command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Reports menu group

Command Description

Creates a formatted Excel Spreadsheet report from measured 3D points aligned to specified station intervals against a line or alignment, sorted from Left to Right across the alignment where each column of data is a specified code and the value presented is the Delta Elevation between the measured point and the referenced surface elevation. Command reports at uniform intervals within a specified tolerance and color codes the cells of the report based on their In, Near, Out (High or Low) of tolerance status.

Command Training Video

The following video shows how to utilize the Corridor As Built Report command

Command Interface Description

The Corridor As Built Report command dialog looks as follows

Select the alignment, linestring, polyline or CAD line to provide the stationing for the report.

Select the surface to provide the design elevations for the point comparisons to be made against.

Select the points that you wish to report

File Name:
Browse / Enter the filename for the Excel Report output. Note that if the last time you ran the report, if the file is still open and you re-use the same name here, running the report will warn you that the file is still open - it will need to be closed before you can rerun the report with the same filename.

Station Information

Set the reporting interval at which you want to report the point data e.g. 50’

Set the tolerance within which a point has to be to the defined station interval for it to be treated as an In Tolerance point (in this case the tolerance is a station tolerance not an elevation tolerance).

For example if you are reporting every 50’ station and a point is at 2+50.53 then if the tolerance is set to 1.0 the point will be treated as an In Tolerance point (see below) if it is within the range 2+49 and 2+51.

If however the tolerance was set to 0.50 then it falls outside of the range from 2+49.5 and 2+50.5 so it would be treated as an out of tolerance point (see below).

Compute station range button:
Click this button to determine the Start and End Station range for the selected points. The station range will use the Interval setting and Tolerance setting to determine the start and end station values. If you need to adjust the computed values, you can manually override the computed settings by clicking in the start and end station fields and selecting or entering a new / revised value.

Manually enter or graphically select a Start Station value for the report. It is helpful here to turn on the Show Direction indicator for the selected alignment / line so that you can see the direction of increasing station.

Manually enter or graphically select an End Station value for the report. It is helpful here to turn on the Show Direction indicator for the selected alignment / line so that you can see the direction of increasing station.

If you select the start / end of the selected alignment and 50’ intervals, the report will report all stations for the selected alignment regardless of whether there are points at those stations or not.

Report out of tolerance points checkbox:
If a point is out of tolerance with respect to station tolerance, you can elect to report / not report the points to the excel report.

If you uncheck the checkbox, the out of tolerance points will not be reported to the excel report. At the end of the report generation process, you will see a text message within the command dialog that advises you which points did not report for this reason, along with the computed data for those points.

If you check the checkbox, the out of tolerance points will still be reported, however they will be reported at their specific station on a line of their own in the report.

For example while walking the As Built sections, you want to also pick up Manhole Rim elevations or Signal Triggers or Signage in / around the pavement area. It is highly likely that these points will not be at your interval stations, but you still want to report the points. Check the checkbox to report these additional points. Uncheck the checkbox to suppress these points in the As Built Report.

Elevation Adjustment:
If your surface model is a Finished Grade model and you are doing the As Built Report on a subgrade surface which is at a vertical offset from the selected surface, you can enter a “dial down” or “dial up” value for the reporting. The points elevation is compared to the surface elevation +/- the adjustment at the surveyed point location. The point is not moved, however the reported values are pulled onto the nearest station interval provided the measured point is within the station tolerance.

Edit color bands button:
The report utilizes the RPS Color Band mapping technology to color code the cells of the report based on whether the points are In tolerance (High or Low), Near tolerance (High or Low) or Out of tolerance (High or Low).

The color mapping uses a user defined color for In tolerance (e.g. Green), Near tolerance (e.g. Orange) and Out of tolerance (e.g. Red = High and Blue = Low). You can also set a number of bands within each tolerance range e.g. if you want 5 Red and 5 Blue Bands for varying degrees of Out of tolerance you can do that by selecting 5 bands and e.g. 0.1 for the bandwidth.

Near tolerance can be used to indicate points that are In Tolerance but are getting close to the Tolerance limits or points that are Out of Tolerance but are close to the In Tolerance band. You can opt to use this band or not. If you do not wish to use the band, set the bandwidth to 0 for 1 band.

For each band, set the band width for a color band, and the number of bands required. The base color selected is split into the number of bands, with each band getting darker than the lowest band, so that the worst errors are the darkest colors.

If you are going to print the reports that you generate, and you are using a black and white printer, we recommend using light shades of color to make the reports more readable. Black text on a dark colored background is hard to read on printouts. If your reports are going to be PDFs then the color you choose is less important but can still be an issue.

If you do not want to color the cells in the output report, set all the color band colors to White.

Edit report columns button:
The report generator will analyze all of the points in terms of converting them into Station, Offset, Elevation values. The points are then grouped into Stations using the Interval setting and the tolerance value that you define for stationing. Within each station group, the points are then sorted in left to right order across the alignment. The codes at each station may vary, and the report function will do it’s best to compute the correct order of the point codes based on the data selected. It is inevitable however that field staff may miscode a point, and also that in some situations, the correct order of points may be ambiguous, in which case you can use your own judgement and reorder the codes based on what you believe to be the correct order. To reorder the code sequence, or to not report selected codes, click the Edit report columns button.


When the above dialog opens, all of the selected point codes that fall within the provided parameters are listed on the left side in the Reported codes area.

Codes that have previously been defined as Non reported codes will be listed on the right side of the dialog in the Non reported codes area.

Use the Right arrow button to move a code from Reported to the Non reported area. This will remove these points from the report that is generated.

Use the Left arrow button to move a code from Non reported to the Reported area. This will add these points to the report that is generated.

Use the Up arrow to move a selected code in the Reported codes area up the sequence of codes to be reported. This will result in the Excel report placing that code in a column to the left of its original location.

Use the Down arrow to move a selected code in the Reported codes area down the sequence of codes to be reported. This will result in the Excel report placing that code in a column to the right of its original location.

Command Tips

At the base of most RPS commands, you will find command tips that you may find helpful. These tips point out things that you may need to be aware of or provide tips on command dialog shortcuts that may be available.

Header Commands

In the header area of the command you will find additional commands that you may find useful while using this command. When you select a header command, it will run leaving the current command open in background. When you are finished with the secondary command and either close it or use the toggle arrow in the header to switch between open commands, you will be returned to this command where you left off.

Header commands include

  • Help - this document access
  • RPS Settings
  • Takeoff Lines
  • Smart Edit
  • Adjust Linestring Elevation
  • Create Surface
  • Explore Object
  • Measure

Click OK to accept the changes

Click Cancel to close the dialog and not save the changes made

When you tap apply, the report will be generated and opened in Excel.

On completion of the report generation, you will find a brief summary of the results in the command message area.


The mini report shows the date of the report, the number of points processed and will list unreported points. The point numbers listed are active hyperlinks. Click the point number and the graphics will center on that point automatically. When there are a large number of points that are unreported, the list will show the first 25 points only.

The list is split into two parts

  • Points that are off the surface (so no DZ values can be computed)
  • Points that are either out of station tolerance or where the codes have been deselected in the edit report columns settings that are not being reported

Closes the command without further execution.

Use Case Videos

The video below is a quick demonstration of the command in use. For detailed help please refer to the video at the top of the help documentation.

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Corridor As Built Report command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please click Reply below