Convenient way to break up a PDF for overlay?

Does anyone have a recommendation on conveniently breaking up a plan set into individual pages for plan overlay purposes? Also seem to have issues with Microsoft print to pdf not supporting larger paper types and I haven’t found a solution to adding 36x24" to the print options page on adobe or foxit.

When you import into TBC you can enter page ranges that you want to import - I open innAcrobat Reader - browse the PDF and find the pages I want / need - then I import eg 1-5,12-18,22-34 to extract those that o want - each page gets separated and imaged and then imported into TBC ready for Georeferencing
or Placement.

This works for me - I know a lot of people use Bluebeam Revue to split PDFs up unto their subgroups and then import the subgroups but I don’t do that / need that. You can also use Soda PDF for that type of work also.


I use Bluebeam Revu for viewing and working with PDFs. There is a great tool in Rervu for extracting pages.

I use bullzip for saving / printing PDFs and images instead of Microsoft print to PDF.

Been very satisfid with both. Hope this helps

I don’t typically extract pages for TBC imports, but Revu really does work very well for the price.