Breaking Multiple Lines at Intersections

Is there a command in TBC/RPS where I can easily break multiple lines all at once at every intersection? Or yet, a way to add a horizontal node in every intersection?
I need to have a break at every intersection for joint pattern layout.

You can Create a Point. CAD Tab, Create Points from CAD, use the Intersection option. Should place a point at the Intersections. Or CAD tab, Clip command would break where they cross.

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you can use the clip command under cad to break at crossings, you could group them by color and get it done that way

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if the lines are 2D you could do the following

Elevate the lines to e.g. 100
Use the Elevate Lines Command in Intersection mode and check the box that says add VPIs to both lines, then you can pick eg your N-S lines as one group and the E-W lines as the second group and that will then add a VPI to all of the lines at all of the crossings - If you output these lines to DWG and import them back in again they will have 3D nodes at each crossing location

As john says you could also use Create from CAD and use the Intersection option to create points and then elevate lines using points will create a VPI at all line intersection locations on all lines - you can only do this if the created points are 3D. If you output a DWG and Reimport it that will give you lines with 3D nodes along them - you can then Change Elevation back to Undefined if you just want 2D saw cuts / joints etc.

What is your preference here - long lines with nodes at the intersections, or lots of broken lines for each single joint?


Ideally, we want long lines with nodes at every intersection so that our field guy can pick a single line and be able to lay out every crossing along the line without performing any COGO commands.

I may have just found an easier approach here to what I need. Using the clip command, I made my latitudinal joints as the crossing lines and the longitudinal lines as the lines to break. Then, I join my longitudinal back and that creates a node in each crossing. They will mainly use the longitudinal lines for layout anyway. It’s not a 1-click solution but definitely doable. Thanks for the ideas.

I have used the TBC command " Divide Line". This allows you to divide a line and add points at a certain interval and offset from the mainline while also adding a polyline. Bad is you can only do one direction from the mainline used.

I use the clip command in this scenario alot (gridlines in particular). I copy all lines into a “clipping layer”. then I grab that entire layer as the “boundary lines” and the original layer as the lines I want to clip. Since the program doesn’t let you choose a line as both a bounding line and a clipping line at once, copying the lines is a quick work around. I then select them all at once and select “join multiple.” you May have to choose the longitudinal lines first and vice versa incase the program wants to auto join the lines going in different directions.

Alejandro_ one thing to maybe speed up the selection of lines. To name the lines and do advance selection by name.