RPS Tracker is a new System from Rockpile Solutions to manage and track Truck Haulage operations that is simple to deploy using Android Tablets in owned or sub-contracted on or off-road trucks. The RPS Tracker System comprises three parts
RPS Admin
RPS Admin sets up the trucks, the drivers, the materials, the geo-fences and the haul routes. For each geo-fence location, RPS Admin also sets up the screens that the operator will see on arrival at that location. The RPS Truck Screens provide simple button entry acknowledgments from the driver to tag the geo-fence activity e.g. Load, Dump, Material Selection, Scale Measurements etc. in addition the operator can enter bulk fueling, fuel purchases (and submit receipts), enter maintenance hours etc.
RPS Dispatch
RPS Dispatch associates the trucks with drivers and the trucks with haul routes. It provides messaging between the driver and dispatcher. It provides the detailed statistics reporting as well as on screen analysis of current and historic truck activity.
RPS Truck
RPS Truck provides the driver interface for In Truck operations. Through a simple application, the driver can enter key activities at Load and Dump locations and for additional office required information relating to Fueling and Maintenance operations. RPS Truck can link directly to Truck Scales, to correlate Geofence Activity with precise load and haul volumes.
The Video Below Shows A High Level Overview of the RPS Truck Application
The Video below provides a high level overview of the RPS Tracker System