This Season Pass includes the TBC Fundamentals Training as well as the full curriculum of classes that teach how to prepare, read, write and distribute data to / from field systems, how to manage project control and site calibrations and how to produce drawings and deliverables for projects.
Training program includes the following elements
Full Curriculum Details:
TBC Training Classes - Field Operations Curriculum.docx (153.8 KB)
TBC Fundamentals Training
12x 2 hour sessions that introduce you to TBC and teach you all the basics that you need to know before tackling Field Operations processes
Field Operations
8 classes of varying duration that cover all aspects of Field Data Management including coordinate systems, site calibrations, Feature Coding, Point Layout and Point Creation Tools, Cut Fill Maps, Working with Google Earth and creating Haul Road Designs.
Drafting, Plotting and Annotation
4 classes of varying duration that cover all aspects of creating drafting templates and producing drawings for Plans (Single and Multiple Sheet), Cross Sections, Plan and Profile or Custom Sheet Layouts combining different drawing elements.
Supplemental Material
Additional classes where we cover corner cases and more unique or new workflows that increase productivity.
Tips and Tricks
Additional videos that show Tips and Tricks that may be helpful