About the Color Map Files category

In this library you can find a zip file containing a number of different color maps that you can use to replace TBCs standard Elevation and Cut Fill Maps.

US Feet Cut Fill

This color map provides the following Cut Fill Color Scheme

The different files cover different elevation ranges of the Cut Fill Map e.g. -1.5’ to +1.5’ or -3.0’ to + 3.0’

Use the color map file that best fits your range of Cut and Fill values. You can find the Cut Fill Range of the cut fill map in the Cut Fill Map properties window.

US Feet Cut Fill Files

Takeoff Cut Fill Map - Various Z Ranges (USFT).zip (5.8 KB)

We recommend that you download the Zip file and create a folder in your Documents Folder called TBC Master\Color Maps\US Feet Cut Fill\ and unzip the contents of this file to that location.