3D Modeling - Add Profile Sheets to a Model


I am trying to add a profile sheet of an MSE wall to my TBC project for several reasons:

  • BIM Purposes
    -progress record keeping
    *3D Model, SiteVision, modeling for field and machine controllers

I added the linework to the alignment using the " copy to profile" command but then you cannot visualize this linework in the 3D space only in profile view and when printing a profile. I would like to export this out to a program such as SiteVision. It looks like you can use most commands in the profile view but yesterday I could have sworn there were a few that were giving me trouble. I will create a list if I come across any.

Ultimate goal:
Take profile sheets and add these to a project for 3D model representation and in some cases BIM purposes.

Examples: MSE walls, houses, soundwalls

Am I missing some capabilities or are there some shortcomings to this method at the moment?

MSE Wall.vce (689.4 KB)

Currently one alignment can only display itself in 3D with one vertical alignment. If you have several profiles that represent eg Top and bottom of wall then each profile will need a copy of the horizontal alignment in order to display them all in the 3D view.

The alternative is that you build a corridor using the HAL and one of the VALs and then add the other VALs as reference lines to the corridor so they appear as template nodes and then build a surface element for the top using the VAL node for the top as the source node using an offset elevation or offset slope instruction for eg 1’ width and then do the same for the bottom node and apply that to a different material layer and then create 2x corridor surface models one for top and one for bottom so you can visualize them and take those out into SiteVision for visualization etc.

I don’t think that we woukd say that only being able to display one HAL with one VAL is a defect in TBC and the above are work arounds for your needs

If I missed something let me know


Could we automate this some - for sure


I might not have been clear. I want to model or show each individual panel of the MSE wall. Almost like a texture but instead as an object that metadata can be applied to and extracted from. Using this for asset management; which panel has been ordered, delivered, installed but also being able to see this in the 3d space of TBC, Connect or SiteVision.

I could be mistaken but there is not way to take a profile or elevations, think building elevation sheets, and create a quick and dirty model for visualization.

I follow you with the top of wall, bottom of wall approach and I think that is fairly straight forward and can agree with only having a one to one relationship. Things could get crazy otherwise.

Am watching the video - I am sure there are some dedicated processes that we could implement for MSE wall work - we could track wall panel lnstallation in a similar way to the Permit Area management for example. I am sure we could flip the data into 3d and then tilt slightly off vertical and label / shade the panels based on state and then add attributes to track date installed etc if needed.

We can discuss the needs that you see this week


Sounds great.

Here is another example of taking elevations or profiles and wanting to bring it into a 3D space. I think this may warrant its own workflow as it could be a common tool if the process was there and simple.

APPROVED CD 679.124.v43 GR 3132 Bonnie Ranch - Lot 16 Hobbs Pond.pdf (3.0 MB)

It seems like the profile view is not really the place to do what you are looking for - just like we created a Station and offset view it woukd be possible to create a Station and elevation view for reviewing and working with elevation data or you need a coordinate transformation that works on drawings in plan or sheet view and converts them into XYZ space s
Using a line as a base line and definition of a common origin that does what we do with section flips for profiles into 3D - my guess is you could do that by using the cross section conversion tools by faking the single section/ no grid look to the profiles and then running that conversion on a single section at a time - I think that would actually work today

The challenge is that you want the projection to be something other than a straight line but when you take depth into account you would have to allow for that in the process.

You shared the data so I can look at this maybe later in the week - but that is the tool I would try to use. Other challenge is that you don’t have surfaces that block out Wirefrrame data in the depth field so unless you can turn each elevation on and off individually you would just have a mass of 3D lines to contend with which is likely less useful than you are hoping for. Cutting planes in TBC can help but in Sitevision you don’t have that today at least.

I have done this for sections in SV and it works pretty well - buildings should be no different


Correct. Depth could be an issue but the purpose of this, at least from the start, is for conceptual planning.

The other thing is if there was a copy to plan sheet workflow. You could import your pdf into a sheet set and then copy portions to plan view, allowing you to copy faces to their respective baselines. This would work for straight segments. I think curved baseline may give you some issue though.


  • to select entities
  • Set scale
  • Choose base point and copy to point
  • set rotation
    *either by second point selection or rotational value

Check out this 3D rotate from Civil 3D. This is pretty slick and pretty much what I am trying to accomplish. Unfortunately when you important this into TBC all of the lines are UCS.

Test.dwg (954.5 KB)

Viewing in SiteVision

Progress ~11:30

  • Took the pdf
  • minor cleanup
  • placed all elevations in a line
  • exported to dwg
  • imported into civil 3d
  • did a quick rotate to put into z axis
  • saved
  • brought back into tbc
  • minor cleanup
  • rotated elevations to appropriate view angle
  • placed

Civil 3D
Bending Sheets in with Rotate3D
-This makes it very easy to origami sheets into a 3D object. This also gives you the flexibility to rotate objects in any direction and any axis. In the video I can quickly rotate the roof to the correct roof pitch.

Trying to replicate this process in TBC using Create Cross Sections from CAD

  1. Import elevation sheets to sheet sets
  2. Minor Cleanup
    -Add station labels to elevation sections
  3. Use no Grid option

Ran into issues where the Create From CAD is not generated cross sections. I think there is a bug where it is requiring a grid even though I have this option set to no.

This can get elevations into the the z axis but you cannot easily manipulate from there. With civil 3D I can take a roof and rotate this to the correct roof pitch line.

Hey Pat

Try the follow

  1. Convert everything to line-string
  2. Vertical & Horizontal Grid must extend past the cross-section (must be on same layer)
  3. Elevate the horizontal line
  4. Relayer PDF layers

test file attached,

Think SketchUp would be a better workflow
PAT test file.vce (122.4 KB)

Thanks Gavin. It looks like what I was missing that you added were two baselines for the grid.

This is something I am experimenting with. I think currently, TBC is not the proper place for this. You can do it but with a look of work arounds.

I believe a command like the 3D rotate referenced above would dramatically increase the UX of this style of work.

No worries

I would definitely look at sketch up fast and easy to use

Low-level mockup attached, just drag it into TBC it will come in at 0,0

Sketchup Model Example.skp (531.7 KB)

A program I definitely need to investigate more. Unfortunately I just haven’t had the time and the construction software doesn’t natively support Sketchup which has been another reason.