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Common Selection Requirements
In the Absolute, Delta, Plane and Surface Modes, the following setup options are common to each mode.
In Absolute, Delta, Plane and Surface modes you can select the line portion that you wish to elevate. This can be any of the following options
- All - For single or multiple line selections, you can adjust the entire line or all lines selected
- Start to Location - for single line selections, you can adjust the line from its start point to a defined location along the line.
- Location 1 to Location 2 - for single line selections, you can adjust the line between two defined locations along the line.
- Location to End - for single line selections, you can adjust the line from a defined location along the line to the end of the line.
When you select anything other than All, you will be asked to select the Location or Location 1 and 2 to define the range of the adjustment.
Primary Adjustment
In these modes you can make a primary adjustment and an optional secondary adjustment. The options for primary adjustment include the following
- Constant
- Range
- Undefined (Only in absolute mode)
Constant Adjustment
In this mode you can set a single elevation that will be applied to the entire station range of the line selected. for example set the value to 100 if you want the line to be raised / lowered to that elevation over the range selected.
Range Adjustment
In this mode you can specify an absolute elevation to be applied at the start of the range and a second elevation value to be applied at the end of the range. The line will transition between those two elevations over the distance between those two points.
In this mode you can eliminate all elevations that are defined on the line between the start and end point of the range selected. The elevation is computed at the start of the range and at the end of the range and locked in with new elevation controls, and all elevations between are removed. This mode only applies to the Absolute mode.
Secondary Adjustment
If you wish to further vary the elevations over the range, you can apply a secondary adjustment that is compounded with the primary adjustment to adjust the line elevations. For example you may wish to set the line elevation to 100 between the range points but then subgrade adjust that by a further 1’ to create the base of subgrade. The secondary adjustment can be
- Constant
- Range
- None
An example of a secondary adjustment that is constant is a simple subgrade adjustment of 1’
An example of a secondary adjustment that is a Range Adjustment would be e.g. that at the start of the range the subgrade is 1’ thick but at the end of the range it is 1.5’ thick.
When you select the secondary adjustment mode, you will be asked to enter the value or values required when the mode is anything other than None.
Absolute (K) Mode
When the mode selected is Absolute, the command will allow for the following settings specific to the Absolute Mode
Hot Key to access the mode is K
Hold Elevations checkboxes
When making an adjustment, you can elect to Hold the elevation at the beginning of the range and at the end of the range selected. for example if you are setting an absolute elevation of 90 to a line that is already at elevation 100, and you elect to hold the elevation at the start and or end of the range, the line will have an elevation of 100 at the start point, will drop vertically down to 90 and then stay at 90 to the end of the range and then jump back vertically to elevation 100.
If you do not hold the elevations at the start and or end of the range, then the line will taper from the point at which elevation was defined prior to the start of the range to the defined elevation at the start of the range, and the same in reverse at the end of the range.
Clear Linestring after applying changes checkbox
Check this checkbox if you want to clear the current line selection after each execution in readiness for a new line to be selected.
Command Execution Process
- Select the Absolute Mode of operation
- Select the Hold options and clear linestring options as required
- Select the linestring(s) to be adjusted
- Select the Portion of the line to be adjusted
- Pick the locations to define the range as needed
- Define the primary adjustment(s)
- Define the secondary adjustments if required otherwise set to None
- Click Apply to make the adjustments
Video Demonstration
Examples of Absolute Adjustments
Take this simple line as an example (no adjustments applied
If we now apply an absolute adjustment to the elevations between 2 locations with hold locking applied at the start and end of the adjustment range. We are using an elevation constant of 115’ using a Location 1 and Location 2 for the start and end point of the adjustment range. In this case there is no secondary adjustment.
If we undo that and then do it again and this time we remove the locks at the start and end point we will get this result
If we do the same thing again and this time we apply a secondary adjustment, the adjustment can be applied as None (no adjustment). Constant (a constant adjustment e.g. -2’ to remove a 2’ subgrade adjustment or Range where a value of adjustment is applied at the start and end of the adjustment range e.g. if you want a transitional subgrade adjustment you could add -2 at the start location and -4 at the end location to get a transition from -2 to -4 over the range of the linestring adjustment (this is what was applied below - you can see at the start point the elevation is 113 (115-2) and at the end it is 111 (115-4) and that there is a constant slope between the start and end points.
At Intersect (I) Mode
When the mode selected is At Intersect (I) the following command dialog is presented.
Add node on both lines checkbox
When elevating one set of lines to match the elevations of a second set of lines, you can elect to add VPIs to both sets of lines or just the second set of lines. Adding VPIs to both sets of lines will mean that both lines will be locked to the same elevation (that of the line from the first set of lines selection).
Intersect lines
This mode elevates one set of lines to a set of intersecting 3D lines.
Hot Key to access the mode is K
Intersect Lines
Select the 3D lines that intersect with the second set of lines. These lines will control the elevations that get added to the second set of lines.
Note: If the selected lines only have e.g. a single elevation and do not have the “Extend Vertical” property enabled, then they do not have elevations with which to elevate the second set of lines. Enable the Extend Vertical property on these lines in that situation.
Select the second set of lines that you wish to elevate from the intersecting lines.
Click the Apply button to execute the elevating process of the second set of lines.