Plotting Alignment Based Plan Sets (Using Plan and Profile Sheet Set Type)

This question gets asked quite a lot and I finally got around to recording a video on how to achieve this.

The question is how do I create a set of plan sheets that follow an alignment without a profile for each plan section?

The Plan and Profile Sheet Set type can be used, however it is expecting to build either a Plan and Profile or Profile Only plan set, not a Plan only Plan Set. To solve this issue I typically recommend that you minimize the size of the Profile drawing and also draw all the profile drawing elements onto layers that you turn off in the View Filter applied to the Dynaviews that are created using the Build Sheets / Plan and Profile Sheet Set Editor so that a) they take up little of the available space in the sheet and b) that the data created for the profile drawing elements are on layers that can be “turned off” using the applied view filters.

Video shows you how