Modeling Trenches with conditional sideslopes

I created the enclosed project this week to show a user how to model trenches for utilities with variable sideslopes. The spec they were working to called for the following

Up to 1.2m deep use a vertical wall
Up to 3.0m deep use a 1.2m wall followed by a 1:1 layback
Up to 5m deep use a 1.2m wall followed by a 1.5:1 layback
Up to 7m deep use a 1.2m wall followed by 1.75:1 layback
Deeper than 7m use a 1.2m wall followed by a 2:1 layback

Sound familiar?

The key issue here is that the 1.2m wall kicks all of the trench shapes off so it is non conditional. All of the other elements are conditional on the depth of the trench. The trick here though is the following

The less than 3m depth condition s actually entered from 0 to 1.8m depth
The less than 5m depth condition is actually from 1.8m to 3.8m depth
The less than 7m depth trench is actually from 3.8m to 5.8m depth
The greater than 7m depth trench is actually from 5.8m to 1000m depth

The example project shows how the Template works and the end result

Here is the project file if you want to take a look - review the Template in the Trench Template Manager

Example Conditional Trench Template - Utilities.vce (126.1 KB)

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Hey Alan, I am working through this with a customer and I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Is it that the conditional portions of the template need to be set perfectly at the right depth to apply the correct vertical wall and slope? Ultimately he needs the vertical wall to be 3’ and the slope to be a 3:1. Any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks!